【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(七):护理人员福利金

原创 2019年06月27日 笔果英语

错过前几期CCL welfare学术资料的同学们请戳下列链接:

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(一):学生福利金介绍 + 热点单词

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(二):优惠卡及保健卡介绍 + 热点单词

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(三):托儿服务补助金

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(四):理财服务讯息

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(五):婚姻关系状态

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(六):求职帮助


【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(一):向家庭暴力说不 + 热点词组

【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(二):新移民的福利及等待期 + 热点词组

【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(三):互惠医疗保险协议

【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(四):避免负债



 carer payment 


1. 看文本,记录welfare细分话题相关规定及细节(不要忘记数字噢!);

2. 听音频:音频由口音纯正的老师亲自录制,重点抓取文本里中英双译的key words,记录单词并积累单词。


(‘we’ refers to department of human services. )

Information for carers : We offer payments to people who care for someone.

1. Carer Payment 

To get this payment you and the person you provide care for must be under the income and assets test limits. 

You must: 

·  give constant, daily care to someone who has severe disability, or severe illness, or who is frail aged 

·  care for them in a private home for at least six months 

·  not work or study for more than 25 hours a week 

·  not be on another income support payment. 

2. Carer Allowance 

To get this allowance you must give extra daily care at home to: 

·  a child aged under 16 who has a disability or serious illness and lives with you 

·  two or more children aged under 16 living with you whose care needs add up to the same as one eligible child, or 

·  someone aged 16 or older who has a disability, or serious illness, or is frail aged. 

3. Carer Supplement 

A payment for those who get an eligible payment to provide care for a person with a disability or medical condition. It's paid once a year. 

4. Carer Adjustment Payment 

To get this one-off payment, you must: 

·  give full-time care to a child under 7 who has a severe illness, medical condition, or major disability following a catastrophic event 

·  care for them for at least 2 months 

·  get Carer Allowance for the child 

·  make sure you and your partner are not eligible for Carer Payment or other income support payments, and 

·  have a very strong need for financial help straight after the catastrophic event. 

Residence rules for carers 

On the day you claim, both you and the person you provide care for must be: 

·  Australian residents, and 

·  in Australia. 

5. Change of circumstances 

You need to tell us within 14 days about any changes because your payment could change. If you deliberately don’t tell us about changes, you could be charged with fraud. 

You must tell us if you: 

·  stop providing care 

·  start sharing the care with someone else 

·  marry, or start or stop living with your partner 

·  start getting more income 

·  increase your assets or your investments change 

·  move house 

·  go to live outside Australia 

·  go overseas for a holiday, or 

·  start doing more work or study. 

You must tell us if the person you provide care for: 

·  needs less care 

·  is in someone else’s care 

·  goes into respite care or hospital 

·  stops being a dependent child 

·  starts getting support from the National Disability Insurance Scheme 

·  goes to live outside Australia 

·  goes overseas for a holiday, or 

·  dies. 

6. Claiming carer payments 

If you have a Centrelink online account, you can claim Carer Payment, Carer Allowance or both online. 


护理人员须知 : 我们为护理人员提供福利金。


1. 护理人员款项须知:



·  为有严重残疾、严重疾病或年老体弱者提供持续不断的日常护理

·  提供了至少 6 个月的家庭护理

·  每周工作或学习时间不超过 25 个小时

·  未领取其它收入补助金。


2. 护理人员津贴:


·  与您一起生活的 16 岁以下有残疾或严重疾病的儿童;

·  与您一起生活的两个或以上 16 岁以下儿童,其护理需求加起来相当于一个符合资格的儿童;或

·  16 岁或以上的有残疾、严重疾病或年老体弱的人士。


3. 护理人员补助金:



4. 护理人员调整补贴:


·  全日护理有严重疾病、病况或因灾难而留下严重残疾的 7 岁以下儿童

·  护理上述儿童至少 2 个月

·  为上述儿童领取 Carer Allowance

·  确定您和您的伴侣没有资格领取 Carer Payment 或其它收入;而且

·  灾难发生后亟需经济援助。护理人员的居住规定

申领福利付款当天,护理人员及其护理的人均必须: ·是澳大利亚居民;且


5. 情况变化:

如果您的个人情况发生任何变化,必须在 14 天内告诉我们,因为福利金可能会发生变化。如果您故意不告诉我们,可能会被指控诈骗。


·结婚、开始或不再与伴侣一起生活; ·收入开始增加;

·您的资产增加,或投资发生变化; ·搬家;



·  需要的护理减少

·  由别人提供护理

·  转为暂休护理或住院

·  不再是受抚养儿童

·  开始从 National Disability Insurance Scheme(全国残障保险计划)获得援助

·  移居澳大利亚境外

·  去海外度假;或

·  身故。


6. 申领护理人员福利金

如果您有 Centrelink 网上账户,可从网上直接申领 Carer Payment Carer Allowance,或两项同时申领。






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