【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(六):求职帮助

原创 2019年06月20日 笔果英语

错过前几期CCL welfare学术资料的同学们请戳下列链接:

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(一):学生福利金介绍 + 热点单词

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(二):优惠卡及保健卡介绍 + 热点单词

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(三):托儿服务补助金

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(四):理财服务讯息

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(五):婚姻关系状态


【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(一):向家庭暴力说不 + 热点词组

【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(二):新移民的福利及等待期 + 热点词组

【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(三):互惠医疗保险协议




1. 看文本,记录welfare细分话题相关规定及细节(不要忘记数字噢!);

2. 听音频:音频由口音纯正的老师亲自录制,重点抓取文本里中英双译的key words,记录单词并积累单词。


1. Job seekers 

If you are looking for work, have lost your job or are at risk of losing your job, there may be services to support you. 

2. Help to look for work 

Employment services providers help job seekers to prepare and look for work. This may include training and use of computers and telephones to help look for jobs. 

We can refer you to a provider in your area. To take part, some providers need you to meet residence requirements such as holding a certain visa or being an Australian citizen. 

The four different types of providers are: 

·  jobactive can help you get and keep a job. They will assess your needs and tailor their services for you. They can help you write a resume, look for work, prepare for interviews and more. 

 · Transition to Work can help some young job seekers aged 15 to 21 build skills and confidence to start work, study, apprenticeships and traineeships. 

·  Disability Employment Services can help you find a job if you have disability, injury or illness. They can then help your employer to support you at work. 

·  Community Development Programme can help job seekers in remote areas of Australia to take part in activities in their community and gain skills that match local jobs. 

· We have self service terminals and printers in our service centres. You can search online for jobs, or prepare and print your resume. 

3. Payments while you look for work 

You may get a payment from us every two weeks while you look for work. You will need to show us you are actively looking for work or improving your skills to help you get a job to get a payment. 

-Newstart Allowance helps people without a job while they look for work. You need to take part in activities that increase your chances of finding a job. 

-Parenting Payment helps with the cost of raising children. If you are single you must care for a child under eight. If you have a partner you must care for a child under six. 

-Youth Allowance is a payment for young people aged 16 to 24. You may get it if you are: 

·  studying full time 

·  doing an Australian Apprenticeship full time 

·  looking for work, or 

·  sick. 

4. Payment ratesFor the latest payment rates information, go to humanservices.gov.au or a service centre. 


1. 求职者



2. 求职帮助




·  jobactive 可帮助求职者取得工作并保住工作。这类机构会评估你的需求,提供量身定制的 服务。他们可以帮助你撰写简历、寻找工作、准备面试等等。

·  Transition to Work帮助15周岁至21周岁的年轻求职者获得技能、树立信心,为参加工作、继续学业、开始学徒及培训做准备。

·  Disability Employment Services 帮助有残疾、受伤或疾病的人找到工作。并帮助雇主为这类求职者在工作中提供支持。

·  Community Development Programme 为居住在澳大利亚偏远地区的求职者提供更多参与其社区活动的机会,并取得与当地就业相匹配的就业技能。我们的服务中心设有自助终端和打印机。你可以在线搜索就业信息,或准备并打印简历。


3. 求职期间可获取的福利



-Newstart Allowance:为没有工作的人在求职期间提供帮助。你需要参加提高就业可能性的活动。

-Parenting Payment :为需要抚养孩子的人提供支持。独自抚养 8 岁以下儿童的单身人士可领取该福利。与伴侣共同抚养6 岁以下儿童的人也可领取该福利。

-Youth Allowance :是专为 16 周岁至24 周岁的年轻人提供的福利。欲领取该福利,你必须:


·正进行全日制 Australian Apprenticeship ·正在寻找工作,或



4. 福利金费率

欲了解最新福利金费率信息,请访问 humanservices.gov.au或前往服务中心。






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