【CCL干货】CCL welfare系列(十一):新生儿父母休假信息

原创 2020年12月28日 笔果英语

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CCL对话内容横跨五大主题 (legal, welfare, medical, business, education),每个主题都有很多细分话题和相关的背景知识,不论是自学备考CCL还是在老师指导下学习CCL的同学,五大话题里的背景知识都是一块不能轻视的内容。即使在我们考官亲授的CCL课程中(……顺便给大家发个广告传单),老师都会重点讲解每一个话题里经常考到的热点知识来帮助同学们更好地积累和运用。



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  文本: 新生儿父母休假信息  


中 文 文 本

详 情 :

1.Paid Parental Leave计划: 


澳大利亚政府通过Paid Parental Leave计划为符合条件的父母提供经济支持该计划有助于父母抽出时间照顾新生儿或新近收养的孩子。


-Parental LeavePay

-Dad and PartnerPay.

Parental LeavePay的发放对象是孩子的主要照顾者。家长可以获得长达18周的带薪休假。

Dad and PartnerPay 的发放对象是在职父亲或其伴侣,包括收养孩子的家长和同性伴侣。他们可以获得长达2周的带薪休假。



2. Paid Parental Leave计划可帮助雇主:


-创建一个家庭友好型的工作场所,无需自己负担Parental LeavePay福利金。



• 在他们需要休假照顾新生儿时,为其提供经济帮助;

• 促进男女平等,兼顾工作与家庭生活。

3. 雇主在该计划中的角色

您在PaidParental Leave计划中扮演着重要的角色。

您的员工可能会要求休假,以获得Parental Leave Pay或Dad and Partner Pay福利金。

您的员工可通过我们申请Parental Leave Pay并与您协商休假安排。要获得ParentalLeave Pay您的员工必须符合所有资格要求。

如果您必须向员工提供Parental Leave Pay,我们会与您联系。我们还将为您提供必要的PaidParental Leave资金。

您需要为符合条件的员工提供Parental Leave Pay,即:



-将至少在领取Paid Parental Leave福利金期结束之前一直是您的雇员


-按规定应获得至少8周的ParentalLeave Pay。您的企业必须要有Australian Business Number (ABN)才能参与该计划。

如果员工不符合上述标准,雇主则无需提供Parental Leave Pay。但如果劳资双方达成一致且员工符 合条件,雇主仍可以选择将该福利金提供给员工。在您从我们这里收到福利金之前,您不需要向您的员工提供Parental Leave Pay。

对于有关Dad and Partner Pay福利金的事宜,您只需要知道员工可能会询问您是否得休无薪假才可 获得 Dad and Partner Pay。您不一定要向您的员工提供Dad andPartner Pay福利金。我们将评估他 们的个人申请并在符合条件的情况下支付福利金。

4. 就育儿休假事宜与员工沟通



-有哪些假期可用,以及如何在领Parental Leave Pay福利金的同时休假(例如,有薪或无薪假期)。



-当员工提出Parental Leave Pay福利金申请时,需要向我们提供有关您企业的信息。

5. 对休假权利的影响

该计划并未给予员工休假的权利。Parental Leave Pay或Dad and Partner Pay是雇主提供的休假权利以外的福利。

根据Fair Work Act 2009,您的长期雇员可享受至少12个月的无薪育儿假。他们还可以要求额外12个月的无薪假。长期雇员是指为您的企业工作了12个月或更长时间的人。

如果您的员工有伴侣,则二人可根据National Employment Standards获得无薪育儿假。在这些情况 下,您还需要注意一些其他最基本的权利。例如,在孩子出生或被收养后,随即可休多达3周的无薪 假。如果您同意,他们可以在孩子出生或被领养后的6周内随时休假。他们还有权在二人之间获得24 个月的无薪育儿假。


6. 我们将如何付款

在您收到我们的资金之前,您无需提供Parental Leave Pay。在员工通常的工资周期截止之前,我们 会将资金转入您指定的银行账户。


英 文 文 本

详 情 :

(‘we’ refers to department of human services. )

The Paid Parental Leave scheme: 

Information for employers about new parents on leave from work

1. The Australian Government provides financial support for eligible parents through the Paid Parental Leave scheme. This helps parents take time off work to care for a newborn or recently adopted child. 

This scheme has 2 payments available to working parents: 

• Parental Leave Pay• Dad and Partner Pay. 

Parental Leave Pay is for the child’s primary carer. Parents can get up to 18 weeks’ paid leave. 

Dad and Partner Pay is for working dads or partners, including adopting parents and same-sex couples. They can get up to 2 weeks’ paid leave. 

Full-time, part-time, casual, seasonal, contract and self-employed workers may be eligible for either payment. 

An employee may still get these payments if there is a stillbirth or infant death. 

2. How the scheme helps your business and parents 

The Paid Parental Leave scheme helps you: 

-keep valuable and skilled staff by encouraging them to stay connected with your workplace when they become parents 

-create a family friendly workplace without having to fund Parental Leave Pay yourself 

-increase workforce participation for new parents in the long-term. 

The scheme helps parents by:• giving them financial help while they take time off work to care for a new child• promoting equality between men and women and balance between work and family life. 

3. Your role in the scheme 

You play an important role in the Paid Parental Leave scheme. 

Your employee may ask to take leave so they can get Parental Leave Pay or Dad and Partner Pay. 

It is up to your employee to apply for Parental Leave Pay through us and negotiate leave arrangements with you. To get Parental Leave Pay, your employee must meet all eligibility requirements. 

We will contact you if you have to provide Parental Leave Pay to an employee. We will also provide the necessary Paid Parental Leave funds to you. 

You need to provide Parental Leave Pay for an eligible employee who: 

-has a newborn or recently adopted child 

-has worked for you for at least 12 months before the expected date of birth or adoption 

-will be your employee until at least the end of their Paid Parental Leave period 

-lives in Australia, and 

-is expected to get at least 8 weeks of Parental Leave Pay. 

Your business must have an Australian Business Number (ABN) to participate in the scheme. 

If your employee does not meet the above criteria, you are not required to provide Parental Leave Pay. However, if you both agree, you can still choose to provide it to your employee if they are eligible. You will not need to provide Parental Leave Pay to your employee before you have received the funds from us. 

With Dad and Partner Pay, you only need to be aware that your employee may ask you about taking unpaid leave so they can get Dad and Partner Pay. You do not have to provide Dad and Partner Pay to your employee. We will assess their individual claim and pay them if they are eligible. 

4. Talking to your employee about parental leave 

If your employee is expecting or adopting a child, talk to them early about their plans. 

Some topics to cover are: 

-what leave is available and how it might be taken at the same time as Parental Leave Pay (for example, paid or unpaid leave) 

-when your employee would like to start their leave and when they expect to return to work 

-how they would like to manage their return to work (for example, returning part-time) 

-information your employee needs to provide us about your business when they lodge a claim for Parental Leave Pay. 

5. Effect on leave entitlements 

The scheme does not give your employees an entitlement to leave. Your employee’s Parental Leave Pay or Dad and Partner Pay is an addition to their employer provided leave entitlements. 

Your long-term employees can get a minimum of 12 months unpaid parental leave under the Fair Work Act 2009. They can also ask for an additional 12 months unpaid leave on top of this. A long- term employee is someone who has worked for your business for 12 months or more. 

If your employee is part of a couple, both may get unpaid parental leave under the National Employment Standards. In these cases, there are some other minimum entitlements you need to be aware of. For example, being able to take up to 3 weeks of unpaid leave at the same time, immediately after the birth or adoption. If you agree, they can take it any time in the first 6 weeks after the birth or adoption. They are also entitled to 24 months unpaid parental leave between the 2 of them. 

You cannot withdraw an entitlement to paid maternity or parental leave if it is provided through an industrial agreement or law. This applies for the life of the agreement or law. 

6. How we will pay you 

You do not have to provide Parental Leave Pay before you have received the funds from us. We will transfer funds into your nominated bank account before your employee’s usual pay cycle cut- off. 




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