【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(四):避免负债

原创 2019年06月25日 笔果英语

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【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(一):向家庭暴力说不 + 热点词组

【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(二):新移民的福利及等待期 + 热点词组

【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(三):互惠医疗保险协议


department of humanservices


 避 免 负 债 


英文解说 + 粤语对话


key words和粤语对话里出现的常用词哦。


1. 看文本,记录welfare细分话题相关规定及细节(不要忘记数字);

2. 听音频:音频由口音纯正的老师亲自录制,重点抓取文本里中英双译的key words,记录单词并积累单词。


(‘we’ 指的是department of human services)

1. Owing money Overview:

Even if you don’t currently get a Centrelink payment, you may owe us money. 

To avoid a debt with us, let us know when there are any changes to either:

-your income

-other circumstances.

This way we can make sure you:

-get the correct payment amount

-don’t get overpaid.

An overpayment occurs when we pay money that you aren’t entitled to have.

If you do owe us money, you may be getting charged interest. If you change your address while you owe us money, it’s important you let us know.

2. How you’ll know if you owe us money:

If you owe us money, we’ll let you know. We’ll write to you and tell you:

-why you owe the money

-the amount you owe

-when you need to pay the amount due

3. how you make the payment.

We may also call you to talk about your debt and how to pay it. If we can’t reach you on the phone, we may leave a message. Sometimes we use SMS to contact you about your debt. We use SMS as a reminder for your debt payments or to ask you to call us back.

4. How to pay us back

You can pay back your Centrelink debts in full or set up a payment arrangement online. Read our online guides on how to pay back your debt using either your: 

-Centrelink online account 

-Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.

Contact the Centrelink repayment of a debt line if you can’t either:

-enter into an arrangement

-pay us back by the due date.

5. If you get a Centrelink payment

If you don’t pay your debt by the due date we may deduct money from your Centrelink payment. We’ll use it to pay back your debt. We may deduct money from your income support payment by our standard rate of 15%. If you have other income, such as earnings from employment or investments, the amount we deduct can be higher. Different deduction rates apply to other payment types.

To repay family assistance debts we can use family assistance end of year top-ups, lump sum and supplement payments. We can do this even if you have a payment arrangement in place.

You should pay your debt by the due date.

If you’re unable to pay your debt back in full, enter into a debt repayment arrangement. You can do this by either:

-using your Centrelink online account 

-using the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app

-calling Centrelink repayment of a debt line

-calling the Indigenous Australians repayment of a Centrelink debt line.

If you don't pay your debt by the due date or enter into and honour your arrangement, we may:

-deduct money from your income support payments to pay the amount you owe

-add an interest charge to your debt

-refer your debt to an external collection agency

-use your tax refund to repay your debt

-recover the amount from your wages, other income, assets and money you may hold in a bank account 

-issue a Departure Prohibition Order to stop you from travelling overseas

-refer your case to our solicitors for legal action.

7. Interest charges

We apply the same rate of interest as the current rate the Australian Taxation Office applies to tax debts. You can read more about interest charge rates on the ATO website.

We won’t charge you interest if any of the following apply:

-you're currently getting a Centrelink payment

-you've entered into an acceptable payment arrangement and continue to honour that arrangement

-recovery of your debt has been paused.

8. External collection agencies

We use external collection agents to follow up outstanding Centrelink debts. 

If you get a letter from one of our collection agents, it’s important you contact them immediately. They’ll talk to you about your payment options.

Your personal information is secure and under protection while your account is with our collection agents. Your Centrelink debts won’t affect your credit rating.


A: 你有冇聽過Centrelink而家點樣做嚟確保嗰啲欠Centrelink債務嘅人還錢呀?

B: 我無聽過喎。

A: 如果你有欠Centrelink債務,但你又冇同佢哋安排點樣還錢,咁佢哋就有可能要向你收取利息。

B: 咁如果你有咗還錢嘅安排,同時又已經還緊雙方議定嘅款額,咁又點呢?

A: 係咁佢哋就唔會向你收取利息囉。

B: 咁就好勒。

A: 如果你有欠Centrelink債務,你可以使用'Money You Owe'服務嚟還清曬所有債務,又或者係設定還款嘅安排。

B: 咁點樣可以利用‘Money You Owe’嘅服務呢?

A:其實一啲都唔難,你只需要通過myGov登入你嘅Centrelink網上帳戶,或者使用Centrelink Express Plus mobile app呢個流動應用程式,然後選擇'Money You Owe'就得㗎嘞。







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