【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(十):援助担保

原创 2019年07月12日 笔果英语

错过前几期CCL welfare学术资料的同学们请戳下列链接:

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(一):学生福利金介绍 + 热点单词

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(二):优惠卡及保健卡介绍 + 热点单词

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(三):托儿服务补助金

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(四):理财服务讯息

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(五):婚姻关系状态

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(六):求职帮助

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(七):护理人员福利金

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(八):澳洲医疗保险详解

【CCL资料】CCL welfare系列(九):福利金教育补充款


【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(一):向家庭暴力说不 + 热点词组

【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(二):新移民的福利及等待期 + 热点词组

【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(三):互惠医疗保险协议

【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(四):避免负债

【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(五):新开始津贴(粤语版)


 Assurance of support 



1. 看文本,记录welfare细分话题相关规定及细节(不要忘记数字噢!);

2. 听音频:音频由口音纯正的老师亲自录制,重点抓取文本里中英双译的key words,记录单词并积累单词。

*本段英文音频及文本资料加入了更多关于assurance of support的信息。


(‘we’ refers to department of human services. )

Assurance of support

1. introduction: 

An assurance of support is a legal agreement you make with us to help someone get a visa to live in Australia. It's your promise to pay us back for any income support we give them.

2. Assurer and assuree:

If you give an assurance of support you’re the assurer.

The assuree is the visa applicant you support. It can be a family of up to 2 adults and their dependent children.

An assurer must be an Australian resident or organisation. Usually it’s a family member of the assuree.

3. Who needs one

After someone applies for a visa, the Department of Home Affairs:

-decides if they’re in a visa category that needs an assurance of support

-writes to them to say if they need one

4. How you become an assurer

You need to apply. After we get your claim, we’ll have an interview with you to discuss:

what you need to do as an assurer if you can meet these obligations.

5. Bank guarantee

As an assurer you may need to give us a bank guarantee through the Commonwealth Bank.

This is to make sure you can pay us back if your assuree needs a payment from us.

If you want to cancel

Once you give an assurance of support, you can’t cancel it. This is the rule even if:

-your assuree becomes an Australian citizen

-your relationship with them breaks down

-you’re in financial hardship

We may cancel the agreement if your assuree dies.

Additional information

There are 2 types of assurance of support. 

Which one you need depends on the visa type.

1. Mandatory:

To get some types of visas you must have an assurance of support. These are:

-an aged dependent relative visa

-a contributory parent or contributory aged parent visa

-a parent or aged parent visa

-a remaining relative visa

-a humanitarian entrant visa under the Community Support Program

The assurer must give a bank guarantee for all visa types except the Community Support Program.

2. Discretionary

Some visas may need an assurance of support. It's up to the Department of Home Affairs to decide in each case. These visa types are:



-former resident

-orphaned relative under 18

If the assurer is an incorporated or unincorporated organisation, they may need to give a bank guarantee.


To be eligible to become an assurer for an assurance of support you must meet certain criteria. 

1. To be an assurer you must:

-pass the income test for the current and previous financial year

-be an Australian resident

-be 18 or older

-give us proof of identity, and

-be able to get a bank guarantee if we ask for one

2. Check if you’re eligible

You need to pass an income test to be eligible. The income you need to pass this test depends on:

-how many people are in your immediate family

-if you’ll have 1 or 2 adult assurees

-if you’ll be the only assurer or giving a joint assurance

-how many dependent children you have


1. 援助担保介绍:


2. 什么是援助担保? 

援助担保(AoS) 是澳大利亚居民或组织(assurer)与我们之间的法律约定。提供 AoS 的人或组织同意在经济上支持签证申请人(assuree),即接受 AoS 安排的人士。因此签证申请人不必依靠 Centrelink 福利金生活。根据签证类型不同,AoS 期可能为 1 年、2 年、4 年或 10 年。 

如果签证申请人身在澳大利亚,则 AoS 将从新签证签发之日起开始。如果签证申请人不在澳大利亚,则 AoS 将从他们抵达澳大利亚之日起开始。 

3. 谁需要援助担保?

在申请签证后,Department of Home Affairs将告诉申请人他们是否需要 AoS。 

4. 如何提供 AoS? 

在我们的网站上在线申请或使用网站上的表格。我们会给您打电话,以就下列事项做电话访谈: • 您需要具有怎样的条件,才能提供 AoS• 您是否拥有提供担保的经济实力,并且有能力履行法律和其他经济义务。一旦您提供了 AoS,您将无撤销。 

5. 什么是银行担保? 

一些 AoS 协议需要由 Commonwealth Bank of Australia出具银行担保。这意味着您需要将钱存入该银行,并且存期等于 AoS 期。如果我们在 AoS 期间向签证申请人支付某类福利金,银行担保可用于向我们还款。 

银行担保金额将取决于:• 您作为个人,还是组织申请 • 您希望担保的人数,以及• 他们申请签证的类型。 

6. 返还我们支付的福利金 

在 AoS 期间,我们可能会向移民提供经济支助。这可能是因为提供 AoS 的人员或组织未能提供支助。或者相关移民无法合理地接受支助。在支付福利金之前,我们通常会 与双方沟通。 

向签证申请人支付的特定付款必须由提供 AoS 的人士或组织偿还给我们。他们可能还必须偿还我们给予签证申请人的子女的任何支助费用。 



-Newstart Allowance 

-Parenting Payment (Partnered) 

-Parenting Payment (Single) 

-Sickness Allowance 

-Special Benefit 

-Widow Allowance 

-Youth Allowance。

诸如 Rent Assistance 和 Crisis Payment 也可追索。 






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