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【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(一):向家庭暴力说不 + 热点词组
【CCL资料】CCL welfare粤语系列(二):新移民的福利及等待期 + 热点词组
CCL social welfare非常重视的话题:
Newstart allowance(粤语版)
英文解说 + 粤语解说
key words和粤语对话里出现的常用词哦。
1. 看文本,记录welfare细分话题相关规定及细节(不要忘记数字);
2. 听音频:音频由口音纯正的老师亲自录制,重点抓取文本里中英双译的key words,记录单词并积累单词。
(‘we’ 指的是department of human services)
Newstart Allowance
The main income support payment
while you’re unemployed and looking for work.
1. Who can get it
You need to meet eligibility requirements to get Newstart Allowance. To get Newstart you must:
-be at least 22 and not at Age Pension age (65 to 67)
-meet residence rules
-be unemployed, with income or assets below a certain amount
-prove you're looking for work
-not be on strike
You can get Newstart while you earn money from a part time or casual job. You can generally earn up to $104 every 2 weeks before we start reducing your payment.
2. What you need to do
There are a few things that you’ll need to do for Newstart, including:
-look and apply for jobs as part of your Job Plan
-attend relevant training
-report any income for you and your partner
-tell us about any change to your circumstance
-You need to report these things to us every 2 weeks.
3. How to report
You need to report to us using the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app or through your Centrelink online account. This will keep us up to date on your situation and job search.
4. Job Plans
Your Job Plan is a record of the things you have agreed to do. This is to give you the best chance of getting a job.
You’ll negotiate your Job Plan with us, or the employment services provider you chose.
5. Job skills
We run a Skills for Education and Employment program to help you get and keep a job. The program will help to improve your:
-writing, or
-basic maths skills
-Commitment exemptions
You may have different rules and exemptions based on your situation. These are usually if you:
-are over 55 years old
-are a principal carer of a child under 16
-are someone with a medical condition
-meet the eligibility criteria for Widow Allowance and claim Newstart Allowance on or after 1 July 2018
You can also get temporary exemptions if:
you have a major personal crisis, such as the death of an immediate family member, domestic violence or homelessness
there’s a major disruption to your home, such as a fire or flood
you have temporary caring responsibilities for an adult or child
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