Speaking - What transport mode do you like most?

2016年05月06日 剑桥考试语言辅导




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      说起旅行,大家都有过这样的frustration的经历。选择出行的交通工具,最莫过于飞机,因为它的快捷、高大上。然而,中国境内的飞机旅行,已经是不少人的梦魇 - 无止境的delay or cancellation. 就拿小编的亲戚来说,五一节去了一趟少林寺,原本3号就要回公司上班,结果他在郑州机场呆了足足两天,被“旷工”2天!让他感到无限的frustrated。图片里那些stranded passengers就有他的身影。讲到中国航班的punctuality, 可以用notorious来形容。BBC报道:全球最不准时的机场竟然是杭州!它的准点率只有41%。中国的上海、北京和香港都在“黑名单”之列。


   “The least punctual Chinese airport was Hangzhou’s at an on-time rating of 41%, second only to Jakarta globally. Shanghai’s Pudong Airport (52%), Hong Kong (59%) and Beijing (64%) fared only marginally better. 相比之下 ,比上海起落还多的日本机场,准点率高达92%!!!(心塞!小日本是怎么做到的?)By comparison, Tokyo’s busiest airport, Haneda, which handles more flights annually than Shanghai-Pudong, had an on-time rating of 92% last year, among the best in the world.”


     到底什么原因呢?Aviation experts agree that one of the main problems in China is the fact the country’s airspace is largely controlled by the military, leaving little room for civilian aircraft even as the domestic airline industry booms. According to the state-run China Daily newspaper, less than 30% of China’s airspace can be used by commercial airlines, compared to about 80% of the airspace in the United States.


     根据上述报道,由于军事演戏和管制, 我们的民航飞行空间只开放了不到30%, 而美国开放80%。中国民航大学的李教授说,如果军方再开放10%的领空,就意味着增加2000亿的GDP值。



     航空公司应该是掌握了上述信息,也知道它们面临一种beleaguered 处境。然而,它们还在拼命地买飞机,不停地卖票。Chinese airlines were estimated to have carried 440 million passengers last year(2015), an 11% increase over the year before. According to the International Air Transport Association, they're expected 预计 to add another 758 million new passengers over the next two decades, bringing the total number of annual passengers to 1.2 billion by 2034.




     航班延误,对于出差的人无疑总是要遇到许多难以预料的 contingency and 无所事事的 deadtime. 很多公司面对 lost productivity, lost business and frayed relationships 采取了一些预案措施,配备更先进的电子通讯工具,以便员工在机场随地办公。当然要借助无处不在的spotty wi-fi。“差佬们”早已被养成了开会迟到,凌晨到家的饿习。


     如果让小编选择出行方式travel mode, 高铁是top choice!




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