【PTE干货】PTE 高频summarize spoken test精析 (六:Climate Change)

原创 2019年03月26日 笔果英语


一:Why do girls perform better than boys in school?

二:Reduce prejudice

三:Absolute advantage

四:The smile of babies


Climate Change



‘climate change’(气候变化)的介绍


Some adverse effects of climate changes to agricultural productions because some lands are merely unsuitable for growing crops. There will be millions of people facing hunger in Africa in the future. Climate change will result in less production and less food. It is difficult for developing countries to deal with climate change due to their financial status and other issues. There are many people living in hunger especially in Africa. The climate change has devastating effects on world economy. The tropical areas on earth are dry and hot, and are originally not suitable for food production. The change of the climate leads to extreme weather condition such as flood and hurricane, which exacerbates the food production. As a result, it leads to a continuous decline in food supply annually around 10-17%. And this trend is perceived to be continuing in the future by 2070. The regions suffering the most will be some African countries.   


Adverse effects 负面影响

Unsuitable for doing sth. 不适合……。

Financial status 财务状况

Live in hunger 生活在饥荒之中

exacerbates 加剧

as a result 结果是……

continuous decline 持续下降

perceived to be continuing 会持续……

suffering the most from 遭受……最严重的



This lecture introduces the adverse effects caused by climate changes on agricultural productions.

2. 逐条介绍材料中提到的要点:

The speaker mentioned that there will be millions of people facing hunger in Africa because of less food production. In addition, due to financial status, it is difficult for developing countries to deal with climate change. Since the tropical areas on earth are not suitable for food production, climate change exacerbate the food production decrease.

3. 结论和预测:(如果前面miss掉了某一项)

It is predicted that climate change will have a continuous effect on declining food production by 2070.



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