【PTE干货】PTE 高频summarize spoken test精析 (五:Spectacles)

原创 2019年03月19日 笔果英语


一:Why do girls perform better than boys in school?

二:Reduce prejudice

三:Absolute advantage

四:The smile of babies






…However, spectacles are parts of an assemblage items giving us an overall look. In fashion terms, they are classified as accessories, along with shoes, jewelry, handbags or watches but in health care terms, they are of course, a medical device. And in many languages other than English, they are often described as a prothesis, an artificial part of the body, part of you, making you who you are. And choosing your spectacles, is therefore a major decision. Increasingly, people own two or more pairs for different occasions or times of day, and there is phrase for this in this industry and it is called lifestyle dispensing. It dates back to the 1950s. The idea is that you wear one type of spectacles in the workplace and quite another at leisure or on the beach. 


Spectacles 眼镜

Assemblage items 装置

Fashion terms 在时尚界里

Be classified as 被分类为

Medical device 医疗器械

Prothesis 假体

Artificial part 人工部分

Major decision 重大决定

Increasingly 越来越多的

Different occasions 不同的场合

Lifestyle dispensing 按照生活方式配镜

At leisure 在娱乐时




This lecture introduces the concept of spectacles and their application in different times and occasions.

2. 介绍理论,写出例子:

Firstly, the professor explained that spectacles in fashion terms are usually classified as accessories. But in healthcare terms, they are classified as medical devices. In other languages, they are described as an artificial part of the body and they represent one’s identity. Choosing a pair of spectacles is a major decision, within the industry, depending on the time of occasions of wearing the spectacles is called ‘lifestyle dispensing’.

3. 结论:(如果前面miss掉了某一项)

In conclusion, spectacles have different meanings under different contexts.



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