说服性语言分析 Persuasive Language Analysis

原创 2017年11月09日 剑桥考试语言辅导

       维州高考(VCE)仍是紧张有序地进行中,看见学校Senior Center门前通道今天又被封,为了不影响里面赶考的举子。不知今天他们的考题是否棘手?Anyway, 我祝他们好运汩汩、下笔有神助。




      大凡说服性文章里都要用到各种语言技巧,时而引用数据statistics或专家观点expert opinion,使读者信服,因为有其真实性和权威性authority;时而使用夸张hyperbole、幽默humour与讽刺irony,作者千方百计地让读者理解和接纳他们的观点、与他们为伍,最终达到说服的目的。有道是,重要的事情说三遍,不就是说服技巧里的repetition吗?

除了要在文章里找到作者使用的 ’说服技巧‘,考生要对每一条找出来的技巧(包括图片)做出讨论,讨论它们分别在上下文文中对读者听众的影响,通俗地讲,求语言对他们的 ’阴影‘ 面积effects有多大?举例如下:

The author uses the persuasive device of emotive langauge 'loved one, tasty morsel' to position the reader to imagine that protected sharks are dangerous to their loved families and are claiming their lives at any time.

Also, Laura employs the picture of closed beach appeal to the reader worry about the loss of joy and tranquility of the ocean while the sharks 'lurking there'. 

Moreover, inclusive language is used by the author to lead the reader to protect the common interest with her, as written in 'The ocean is our domain'.


The author, Laura Banks, of the article When sharks are eating people, it's time to cull, published in the Telegraph Daily on 13th August, 2015, proclaims that the government should legalize the killing of wild sharks which pose a threat to the communities. The piece is written in a humous but sarcastic tone to appeal the reader to take actions to protect them and sustain their well being at the beach.

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