如何冲刺Part 3?

2015年11月25日 剑桥考试语言辅导


What kinds of jobs are well-paid\popular in your country?

From my viewpoint, there are a variety of occupations whose payis higher than normal ones.(主题句亮相)

(展开观点)The first one, I think,is actors in entertainment industry.They make a huge amount of money from films and advertisements. For example, an actor called Xiaoming Huang was paid 20 million last year. His wedding last month was regarded as the largest one in the country.

The second highest income is given to business managers and CEOs. Their annual salary is usually more than half a million. If their performance is better than expected, they will also be given with a large amount of bonus. One of my relatives is working in a stock company. It is said he is paid eight hundred thousand (800,000) on average annually.

Besides, sportsmen are also well-paid for their events and matches. For instance, football players’ earning is decided by each match. If they win the champion of a season, they will have surprising bonus.

(结束语)These are the jobs which are offer better income, I think.


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