
2015年07月22日 剑桥考试语言辅导

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

How do you spend your weekends? How long do you usually sleep every day? Do you have a nap at noon?

a person who is good at cooking

Do the people in your country like eating at home or outside? Do you think people will become healthier or not in the future?

What national holidays are there in your country? Which one is more important? What did you do in the previous holiday?

an electronic device which you plan to buy (not computer)

What electric appliances are bought by families today? Do you think online study will take place of traditional teaching in the future?

Do you like your major? Do you like trees? Are there any unique trees in your hometown?

a vehicle you plan to buy

What modes of transport do people today like? Why?

When did you start learning mathematics? Do you think it is important? Why?

a person who is good at a foreign language

Do you think it easier for children to learn English than adults? Do you think English is helpful with looking for a job? Do you believe English will become one of the main languages in the world?

Do you often do some readings? What kinds of books do you like? Will you buy books for any children?

a surprise which you received

How do people show their happiness? How do you suggest making people happy? Can it be learnt to be happy?

Is your major difficult? How do you manage your time?

a colorful place

What kinds of colors do people like using at home? What are the differences of choosing colors between men and women? For what reasons do workers like dark colors?

What ideal job do you believe it is? Do you collect anything?

What is the favorite collection by the Chinese? why? Where can people collect their favorite things?

a famous person

Why do many people want to become famous? Do people today like the same celebrities as before? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a celebrity? Do you think they will feel disappointed when they are not famous anymore? Are there any benefits for their children?

What is your favorite music?

a place in which you read and write (not bedroom)

In what environment do you think suitable for reading and writing? What books do children like reading? What are the differences of pressure faced by children and adults?

Do you often watch weather report? What kind of weather do you prefer? What do you usually do in a fine day?

a happy family event

In what places are suitable for holding activities? How can people become successful? What kinds of activities can make people relaxed?

a restaurant you enjoyed

What kind of restaurant is popular in your country? What factors should people consider when they choose a restaurant?

a person who is a good leader

Is it good for children to have ambition? With what kinds of skills do people succeed at work place? Do you think men are more suitable to become a leader than women? Why?

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