Every new placethat we visit has different history and culture. People can get to know about anew place by either asking from local people and travelling or visitingmuseums. Visiting museums is a convenient and easy way to understand and getbetter knowledge about a new place because we will be able to see suchsignificant things such as handicrafts and archaeological finds with our owneyes. Museums are the places where centuries and centuries of history is hiddenand so many masterpieces are kept. It is like a bridge between people and aplace, so I think people like visiting museums because they are so curiousabout the new place that they are travelling and they want to know abouteverything such as the history of the place, the culture, the tradition and theart and masterpieces.
When visiting a museum, we will have an access to see unique masterpieces andfeel the emotion of the artist. We can’t feel the real emotion by just watchingit on TV or on the internet. My aunt goes to the Louvre museum every time shevisits Paris because she likes so much to just stand there and see the paintingwith her own eyes. She says no other pictures can substitute the feeling shegets there.
Museums also give us chances to know better about the past history and culture.When we travel to a new place, we don’t know much about the local people’shistory. How they lived, what their tradition was like or is like and evenabout their lifestyle and food. We will be able to obtain more knowledge aboutthem by visiting museums. Even in Mongolia, many tourists visit museums beforethey go to the countryside to see the real nomadic life. By the time they arein
the countryside, they have already known at least a bit about the nomadicculture and the history.
To sum up, museum is a special spot which is like a bridge between people and anew place and it is an area where we can obtain knowledge...
we teach to achieve only.