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作文题 Task 1 – Bar graphs描述3个国家1980年的就业分部对比:工业、农业、服务业。
Task 2 – 观点对比题型 - 政府拨款题材类 – Some people believe that governmets should undertake the costs for the public health, while others think that individuals need to pay for this. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
口语题 1. Part 1. Do you like reading novels or magazines? Why? What kinds of novels or magazines? Part2 describe a piece of article you read about healthy lifestyle? Part3 What kinds of sports do the people in your country like? What are the differences of sports between the young and the old? Do you think reading can help with sports? 2. Part 1. What do you want to change with your room? Do you often watch programs about science on TV? What do you think about the local museums? Part2:Describe a polluted place you visited. Part3:What kinds of pollution are there in your country? Do you think individuals should be responsible for pollution? Why? Why not? What can individuals do to protect the environment? Why are there needs to involve governments in environmental protection? 3. Part 1. Have you made any handcrafts before? In what ways do you communicate with your famiies and friends? What ways do you think the Chinese like to use for communication? Part 2: Describe a goal you would like to achieve in the future. Part3: Do you believe children should have goals? Why? Why not? When do you think to set up their own goals? Who can help them do so?
听力 Section 1 场景 – 少年宿营Camping, banana ride(水上运动) 答案回顾与分析: Q1. Price: 26.65 【价格的小数点已经不再是当年的五毛,而是0.65, 0.45】 Q2. Price not include: lunch 【送分题】 Q3. Surfing depends on weather 【考同音字whether, -ea字母组合的变音】 Q4. Bring clothes【区分cloth的读音与拼写】 Q5. 2nd activity: Banana ride 【由黄色的皮筏艇得名而来,对考生陌生,易听漏ride】 Q6. Activity 3 will be in the mountain【-oun嘴要张大而圆,council也是高频词】 Q7. Different types of climbing【-mb组合时,b不发音。还如bomb,comb, dumb】 Q8. Need to wear: helmet【头盔,在国外骑车不戴头盔属违法。容易出错的地方漏掉L】 Q9. Actitivity 4: race 【多义词:比赛、民族】 Q10. lakes 【考点 – 名词复数的读音】 阅读 Passage 1 – Multitaksing Debate (旧题) Passage 2 – Violin(旧题) Passage 3 – (unavailable) |