设身处地,假如你是雅思考官 - 苦逼地从一个城市考点飞往另外一个。每天面对成百上千的 ‘学抓’。你重复地问他们:how are you today? 他们却异口同声:I am 20 years old. 你再问:Where did you put your mobile phone? 他们答:under floor. 好吧,这算是中国福利吧。。。
你可能恨不得他们中有你的亲戚,可他们绝不认下这门 ‘亲事儿’,因为他们是来蹂躏你的;你是面板上的那坨面,他们则是那空心的擀面杖!看上去趾高气扬,肾气淋人,可他们都是些江湖混混。他们可以把分配到手的100份试卷,没有节操地给每张卷子打上5分,5分,5分... ... ...将你数月的努力统统抛入珠江!
泄气了吧?!不要!口语可以扳回面值。polite, politer, politer! put your feet in their shoes! 虽然他们尽是些淫汉,但他们期待着你的创意,甚至是你的施舍 -
你!要讲得独特些,再别具一格些,最好匠心独运一些,好吗?不要人云亦云,好吗?他们实在是受不鸟 ‘同一个世界,同一种语言’啦!!
be on time, never arrive late. if you are the first student, you'd better arrive earlier, examiners will be happy about that becasue they expect to finish earlier and go back to hotel , relax and have a beer. 2. always be polite. use polite language: morning sir\madam, after you sir\madam. May I come in? may I sit down? thank you sir\madam. Excuese me, sir\madam, could you reword your question? thanks. Thank you for your time and your patience. Have a lovely afternoon. Today it's hot, take care, sir\madam. I wish you had a wonderful trip in Guangzhou!
'What's your full name?' 'my full name is xxx, sir\madam'
'May I look at your passport?' ' sure, sir\madam, here you are, using your both hands.'
What's your wristband number? 'Please let me have a look, it's 123888
also, you need to dress yourself tidy, 'make up yourself'
Part One
you will be asked for about 10 questions, 30 seconds average for each question. pay attention to the tense!
keep talking until you are stopped by examiner
speak slowly a bit , so as to make your answers clear and correct
listen to questions carefully and clearly, then you start to answer each of them. don't be rush
listen to the key words in each question, so that you can focus on the main points
focus! focus! focus! no 'off-topic'
if possible, give some 'no' answers, because exminers expect
not always yes, i do\did\have\will
when you are not sure, you have a right to ask to explain: excuse me sir\madam, do you mind explai-ning the question? thank you! (practice, practice it)
Part Two
you must take some notes before you start. don't just look at the question, or examiner will believe you have memorised already
try to speak as much as possible. always start with 'I'd like to talk about ...
if you worry about an unfinished task, you can go through first all the points like this: " well, i'd like to talk about an app which is useful, then i will give how often i use it, then I will explain why it is useful."
when you are stopped by examiner but you have not finished the 4 points, you will lose mark
so try this way, practice, practice, and practice!
tianlu, these notes for speaking need your time to read through, so that you will get more awareness.
We teach to achieve. 剑桥雅思 传播考试真理!