Roman Cities
But you can see from the relatively crooked and narrow streets of the city of Rome as they look from above today. You can see that again, the city grew in a fairly ad hoc way, as I mentioned. Its wasn’t planned all at once, it just grew up over time, beginning in the 8th century BC. Now this is interesting because what we know about the Romans is when they were left to their own devices and they could build the city from scratch, they didn’t let it grow in an ad hoc way. They structured it in a very methodical way. That was basically based on military strategy, military planning. The Romans, they couldn’t have conquered the world without, obviously, having a masterful military enterprise, and everywhere they went on their various campaigns, (their various military campaigns), they would build camps. And those camps were always laid out in a very geometric plan along a grid, usually square or rectangular. So when we begin to see the Romans building their ideal Roman city, they turn to that so called castrum or military camp design they build their cities that way.
Crooked 歪的,斜的
Ad hoc 特别的,临时的
Fairly 相当的
Left to their own devices 不需要别人帮忙即可完成
Build sth. From scratch 从0开始做某事
Methodical way 一种有条理的方式
Military strategy 军事策略
Conquered the world 征服世界
Laid out 布局
Geometric plan 几何平面图
Rectangular 长方形
Ideal roman city 理想中的罗马城市
Castrum 古罗马兵营
This lecture introduces the layout of Roman cities.
2. 逐条介绍材料中提到的要点:
The speakers mentioned that the cities in Rome weren’t planned all at once and they were designed in an ad hoc way. From the 8th century, Romans began structuring their cities in a methodical way, using their military strategies and military planning as reference. When Romans went on various military campaigns, they built their camps.
3. 如果前面少了一个点:
Therefore, the ideal roman cities were built as their castrum and military camps.
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