一夜变天!澳洲总理正式宣布大幅收紧入籍政策!英语要求更高, PR要住满4年,考试要求更严格!(附入籍考题+答案)

2017年04月20日 悉尼印象





















  • 要想成为公民,申请人必须先拿到PR。拿到PR之后在澳洲至少要居住4年才能申请入籍。 现有:申请前在澳洲住满4年,其中有至少1年(12个月)是PR身份,四年内离开澳洲时间总共不得超过1年,且入籍这一年不得离开澳洲超过90天。

  • 申请人必须通过特定的英语能力测试,如相当于雅思6分的标准。 现有:能说和理解基本英语,这个英语考试将分为阅读、写作和听力三个独立的部分,最后还需要通过一个更为严格的入籍测试。申请人需参加面试,用英语说出澳洲公民的义务和权力。

  • 入籍考试如果考了三次都没通过,就得等两年之后再参加考试。 现有:可以无数次参加直到成功为止。

  •  入籍考试会增加一些关于对妇女儿童实施暴力、女性割礼以及逼婚等问题,考察申请人对这些现象的看法。 现有:考试题目从“Becoming an Australian Citizen”(成为澳洲公民)的考试材料中抽选出来。






  • 就业证明(入籍申请者必须证明自己有工作)

  • 交税证明(入籍申请者必须证明自己有向ATO的保税记录)

  • 必须送子女到澳洲学校上学(申请者如有子女,必须将子女送到澳洲学校中就读)

  • 参加社区活动(申请者必须证明自己曾参加社区活动,并成为各地社区一员)










作为澳洲公民,必须要接受澳洲的价值观,我们的国家是非常出色的国家 我们尊重所有的人种,宗教及文化,和世界上很多国家一样,我们注重公民认同澳洲价值观,澳洲政治政策,包括澳洲的法律, 民主自由,互相尊重,男女平等的价值观。 

这些最基本的价值观使我们成就了今天的澳大利亚。当我们照镜子的时候,我们会发现,澳洲是一个民族大融合的国家, 我们应当分享相同改的价值观,我们的入籍过程需要考察出申请者具备相应的价值观。 今天,在这里,我们声明将更加严格的筛选申请入籍者。 使得澳大利亚,澳洲国籍,澳洲公民都变得更加强大。 

移民部长将进行更详细的解读,但是我们的声明是 申请者需要持有4年的PR才可以申请成为澳洲公民,这需要申请人在澳洲生活更长的时间。 申请人必须具备良好的英语水平,虽然目前来说不是很重要,但是这个在改革是最基本的。 我们都明确的是,英语是融入澳洲社会,高薪及社会活动成功至关重要的因素。 

成为社区的一员,英语也是最基本的条件。 所以对于英语水平的要求是其中一项重要的改革。 另外一项重要改革将是澳洲公民入籍考试。 我们必须保证我们的入籍考试能过反应出申请人可以融入澳洲社会。 作为澳洲永久居民在澳洲生活4年,说流利的英文,分享澳洲的价值观,并且可以融入澳洲社会。 

这些都是至关重要的因素。 我相信这些都是申请人必备的条件。 这些改革对于入籍申请者,对我们的国家都是极其重要的。 













  • 上中专,上大学可以申请政府无息贷款

  • 可以为父母申请绿卡(审理时间是12年到15年)

  • 如果在澳洲犯罪,可以去坐牢,如果只有绿卡,会被剥夺绿卡,遣送回国。

  • 去中国以外的大部分国家免签;

  • 具有投票权




大家可以提前准备 !

1. When is Boxing Day?
  a. 26 December
  b. 25 December
  c. 30 May
  d. 26 January
2. At the end of World War II, there was an oversupply of labour in Australia: true or false?
  a. False
  b. True
3. In 1967 which country took over from Britain as Australia's leading trading partner?
  a. Japan
  b. China
  c. New Zealand
4. Why did the Australian government move in the 1980s and 1990s to remove protections on the country's economy?
  a. It wanted more control of the economy
  b. The government believed this would reduce wages
  c. It was believed the economy would grow more strongly
5. Where is the Kokoda Track?
  a. Singapore
  b. Japan
  c. Papua New Guinea
6. Religious laws have no legal status within Australia: true or false?
  a. False
  b. True
7. Why is Governor Lachlan Macquarie remembered with great affection?
  a. Because he gave great banquets at government house
  b. Because he treated reformed convicts as if they had never offended
  c. Because he released so many convicts
8. Why has Australia become a sport-crazy nation?
  a. Mass unemployment allowed people to play sport
  b. Playing sport is a legal requirement
  c. People have more leisure time, the climate is good and there is plenty of open space
9. Which take prevalence: state laws or Commonwealth laws?
  a. State laws always prevail over Commonwealth laws
  b. Commonwealth laws prevail over state laws
  c. Commonwealth laws prevail, except for laws relating to violent crime
10. An individual's vote in an election is secret: true or false?
  a. False
  b. True
11. What is the capital of Australia?
  a. Sydney
  b. Melbourne
  c. Canberra
  d. Brisbane
12. The name Australia derives from the Latin word Australis. What does Australis mean?
  a. Of the south
  b. Dry
  c. Big
13. Which controversial government policy began to be dismantled in 1967?
  a. The White Australia Policy
  b. The Aboriginal Settlements Policy
  c. The Snowy Mountains Policy
14. When was the Aboriginal flag first displayed?
  a. 30 May 1955
  b. 12 July 1971
  c. 3 September 1901
15. In which two years has Australia hosted the Olympic Games?
  a. 1976 and 2004
  b. 1984 and 1992
  c. 1956 and 2000
16. In Australia, everyone must practise the official state religion: true or false?
  a. True
  b. False
17. When is New Year's Day celebrated in Australia?
  a. 26 December
  b. 25 December
  c. 26 January
  d. 1 January
18. Which state is also known as the 'Festival State'?
  a. Victoria
  b. South Australia
  c. New South Wales
  d. Queensland
19. With which sport are the names Sedgman, McGregor, Hoad and Rosewall associated?
  a. Tennis
  b. Netball
  c. Basketball
20. What happened at the Ballarat goldfield in 1854?
  a. Many gold diggers were killed by a flash flood
  b. The world's largest gold nugget was discovered
  c. Gold diggers staged a large protest
21. What is the national gemstone of Australia?
  a. Opal
  b. Zinc
  c. Gold
  d. Diamond
22. It is compulsory in Australia to join a trade union: true or false?
  a. False
  b. True
23. Which of these statements is correct about political parties in Australia?
  a. The Liberal Party believes in high levels of government activity
  b. The Labor Party believes in selling off government industries
  c. The Labor Party believes in using government to help workers
24. What is Australia's national anthem?
  a. Advance Australia Fair
  b. Waltzing Matilda
  c. God Save the Queen
25. Why is Nancy Bird Walton remembered by Australians?
  a. She was the wife of Australia's first Prime Minister
  b. She was the first woman to win a gold medal for Australia at the Olympic Games
  c. She was the first women to gain a pilot's licence and to employed in the aviation industry
26. The separation of powers in the Australian Constitution establishes three arms of national government. What are they?
  a. The legislative arm, the executive arm, the judicial arm
  b. The legislative arm, the elite arm, the local arm
  c. The legislative arm, the police arm, the military arm
27. What are the colours of the Torres Strait Islander flag?
  a. Red, black and yellow
  b. Gold, green and white
  c. Red, white and blue
  d. Blue, green, black and white
28. What does Christmas Day celebrate?
  a. The miracles of Jesus Christ
  b. The resurrection of Jesus Christ
  c. The death of Jesus Christ
  d. The birth of Jesus Christ
29. Who was commander of the Australian forces during World War I?
  a. Lachlan Macquarie
  b. Edmund Barton
  c. John Monash
30. Who appoints the Governor-General?
  a. The Prime Minister
  b. The Queen
  c. The Commonwealth Parliament
31. Which two states are Rugby Union and Rugby League popular in?
  a. Queensland and New South Wales
  b. South Australia and Victoria
  c. Western Australia and Tasmania
32. Who is the head of the Australian Government
  a. The President of the Senate
  b. The Prime Minister
  c. The Governor-General
  d. The Queen
33. Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia?
  a. Edmund Barton
  b. Sir Henry Parkes
  c. Rod Laver
34. Equality under the law means what for Australians?
  a. Government agencies can treat someone differently because of their political beliefs
  b. Someone's culture background can affect how they are treated in the workplace
  c. Nobody should be discriminated against because of their race or ethnicity
35. What were the nationalities of the explorers who discovered Australia in the 17th century?
  a. Italian and Norwegian
  b. Portuguese and Dutch
  c. English and French
36. Which political party was once known as the Country Party?
  a. The National Party
  b. The Liberal Party
  c. The Labor Party
37. How many convicts came to Australia from Britain during the 19th century?
  a. Less than 1,000
  b. Between 10,000 and 20,000
  c. More than 160,000
38. What was the motivation for many of the people coming to Australia since 1945?
  a. The discovery of rich oil and mineral reserves
  b. They were forced to come as convicted criminals
  c. They had family commitments or a desire to escape poverty, war or persecution
39. What has the Eureka rebellion of 1854 become a symbol for?
  a. The power of natural forces
  b. Good government
  c. Protest and popular rights
40. Australian national government draws on the democratic traditions of which other country, other than Britain?
  a. United States of America
  b. Italy
  c. Germany
41. How long have Indigenous Australians been living in Australia?
  a. Over 80,000 years
  b. Between 60,000 and 80,000 years
  c. Between 40,000 and 60,000 years
  d. Between 20,000 and 40,000 years
42. Who is the native Australian plant, the banksia, named after?
  a. James Cook
  b. Joseph Banks
  c. Lachlan Macquarie
43. All Australians are required to follow Judeo-Christian ethics: true or false?
  a. False
  b. True
44. What percentage of Australia's population were born overseas?
  a. 46%
  b. 37%
  c. 22%
  d. 8%
45. What is Australia's national anthem
  a. Advance Australia Fair
  b. Waltzing Matilda
  c. God Save the Queen
46. What name are Australian soldiers often known by?
  a. Shovels
  b. Diggers
  c. Builders
47. What happened in the 1850s that triggered a new wave of migration to Australia?
  a. Land was available for free
  b. The British government agreed to pay for most of the voyage
  c. Gold was discovered
48. What did Aboriginal people do, in protest at their treatment, on the 150th anniversary of European settlement in 1938?
  a. Staged a day of mourning in Sydney
  b. Staged a cultural gathering at Ayers Rock/Uluru
  c. Staged a national walkout from workplaces
49. 3 What is the name of the passage of water between Australia and Tasmania?
  a. Torres Strait
  b. Macquarie Strait
  c. Bass Strait
  d. Cook Strait
50. Which of these statements is correct about the Queen's role in Australia?
  a. The Queen makes all final decisions regarding government in Australia
  b. The Queen does not play a day-to-day role in Australia's government
  c. The Queen shares power equally with the Prime Minister
51. How does the standard of living in Australia compare to that in other countries?
  a. It is low compared to most of the world's large industrial economies
  b. It is among the top 10 in the world
  c. It is similar to most undeveloped countries
52. What is generally agreed to be the greatest killer of Aboriginal people since European settlement?
  a. Disease
  b. War
  c. Poverty
53. What special day is held on 11 November each year?
  a. Christmas Day
  b. Anzac Day
  c. Remembrance Day
54. What colours are the Aboriginal flag?
  a. Blue, green, black and white
  b. Red, black and yellow
  c. Gold, green and white
  d. Red, white and blue
55. When did convicts stop coming to mainland Australia?
  a. 1760
  b. 1945
  c. 1840
56. How wide is Australia from east to west?
  a. 8,000 kilometres
  b. 6,000 kilometres
  c. 4,000 kilometres
  d. 2,000 kilometres
57. What was discovered in Kalgoorlie in Western Australia in the 1890s?
  a. Coal
  b. Gold
  c. Oil
58. What made Australia's first European settlers unique?
  a. They were convicts
  b. They were American
  c. They were English
59. All Australians are free to say or write what they think about any subject, issue or person, so long as they do not endanger people, defame anyone or obstruct the free speech of others: true or false
  a. False
  b. True
60. Which military campaign in 1915 resulted in 25,000 Australian casualties?
  a. Gallipoli
  b. Guadalcanal
  c. Passchendaele
61. When was the Australian Capital Territory established?
  a. 1911
  b. 1901
  c. 1840
  d. 1788
62. After World War II Australia operated a large scale programme to bring migrants from countries of which continent?
  a. Africa
  b. Asia
  c. Europe
63. What is Australia's national language?
  a. Australia has no official national language
  b. Aboriginal
  c. Australian
  d. English
64. What percentage of Australians describe themselves as Christian?
  a. Three quarters
  b. Half
  c. One-third
  d. Two-thirds
65. When will you say these words? 'I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people whose democratic beliefs I share'.
  a. When you sing the Australian national anthem
  b. When you say the Australian Citizenship Pledge
  c. When you receive your Australian passport
66. Which authority agreed in 1824 that the name 'Australia' be used officially?
  a. The Cabinet
  b. The Commonwealth
  c. The British Admiralty
67. In what year did the European settlement of Australia start?
  a. 1829
  b. 1803
  c. 1788
  d. 1606
68. What is an example of a matter that state and territory governments are responsible for?
  a. Drains
  b. Police
  c. Rubbish collection
69. The Commonwealth Parliament has two houses. What are they called?
  a. The House of Representatives and the Senate
  b. Canberra and the Town Hall
  c. The House of Lords and the House of Commons
70. In what year did Australia come together in a federation?
  a. 1875
  b. 1886
  c. 1901
  d. 1945
71. What is the capital of Queensland?
  a. Brisbane
  b. Darwin
  c. Perth
  d. Sydney
72. Who was Australia's first international opera prima donna?
  a. Nancy Bird Walton
  b. Evonne Goolagong
  c. Dame Nellie Melba
73. What was the name of the first women elected to the Commonwealth Parliament?
  a. Dame Enid Lyons
  b. Nancy Bird Walton
  c. Evonne Goolagong
74. What did Edith Cowan achieve for the first time in 1923?
  a. She became Australia's first female Prime Minister
  b. She flew solo across Australia
  c. She was the first woman elected to a parliament in Australia
75. What was the outcome of an attempt to make Australia a republic in 1999?
  a. It was successful
  b. It was defeated
  c. It was delayed for ten years
76. When was the Australian flag first flown?
  a. 12 July 1971
  b. 30 May 1955
  c. 3 September 1901
77. What was the name of James Cook's ship?
  a. The Endeavour
  b. The Beagle
  c. The Enterprise
78. How many states are there in Australia?
  a. Nine
  b. Eight
  c. Two
  d. Six
79. An individual's vote in an election is a publicly viewable document: true or false
  a. False
  b. True
80. How tall is Australia from north to south?
  a. 10,000 kilometres
  b. 8,800 kilometres
  c. 5,500 kilometres
  d. 3,700 kilometres














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