【CCL资料】CCL Business 商业背景知识音频资料(五:Buying a new car)

原创 2019年09月27日 笔果英语


(一:Avoiding scam)

(二:Renting a home)


(四:door to door sales) 


我们将一起来学习CCL Business


Buying a new car 



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*本段英文音频及文本资料加入了更多关于assurance of support的信息。


Buying a new car

1. compare new car options:

When you start looking for a new car, motorbike or scooter, the range of makes and models can be overwhelming.

Price is not the only consideration when choosing your new vehicle.

Fuel economy, safety rating and child restraints are also factors to consider.

2. new car loans and finance:

Before you sign:

Finance deals for cars can vary significantly. Many traders can help you arrange finance, but it may be in your interest to shop around and check rates and fees offered by banks, credit unions and other finance providers.

It is important that you make the contract of sale conditional upon finance approval.
Read the finance agreement carefully and make sure you understand it. Ensure you are aware of:

all fees and interest rates

repayment rates and due dates for payment

the total amount you will have paid at the end of the loan period

all insurance requirements.

Your rights and responsibilities:

Providers must inform you of your rights and responsibilities before you enter into a credit arrangement with them. They must provide all relevant information including interest rates, fees and commission, in a written contract.

The National Credit Code, which applies to most consumer finance transactions, sets out your rights in this and other respects.

What if you cannot pay off your loan?

Consumer credit insurance or loan protection insurance can cover you if you are unable to make your loan repayments because of illness or unemployment. However, this sort of insurance can be expensive.

Shop around for the best deal and make sure you understand any limitations on the cover period.

If you are finding it difficult to repay your loan, you could ask your credit provider for a hardship variation. This can involve postponing your repayments or seeking a reduction in instalments. 
If your credit provider turns down your application for a hardship variation, and your credit contract is covered by the National Credit Code, you can apply to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to have that decision reviewed.

Some loan arrangements may ask you to put up your property as security. If you do so and are unable to repay your loan, enforcement action may lead to the property being taken by the credit provider. If the car itself is the security, it can be repossessed. It can also be sold for less than you owe, and you can end up owing your credit provider the difference.

3. car contracts and deposits:

Before you sign:

The agreement for sale, or contract, is a legally binding document. Make sure you read and understand it before signing.

Contract details:

Never sign a blank contract or one with any unfilled spaces. Insist all costs are clearly itemised.

Make sure a delivery date is specified, otherwise you may have a long wait for the vehicle. If the dealer cannot specify a delivery date, the contract should include a date after which you no longer wish to proceed with the purchase. 

The contract should specify the vehicle’s colour and any other particulars or optional extras. If you want to buy a car manufactured in a particular year, then you should also specify that in the contract. 


It is common practice for licensed motor car traders to take a holding deposit for the car when you sign a contract. The deposit amount may vary.

Make sure you get a receipt for this money.

4. car insurance for new cars:

Car insurance protects you against costs and liabilities if you are in an accident or your vehicle is stolen, damaged or vandalised. 

Shop around:

You do not have to purchase insurance through a licensed motor car trader; it may be cheaper to arrange your own. Contact other insurance companies to compare the cost of insurance (the premium) and policy coverage. 

Premiums vary between car makes and models. Insurance may be more expensive for cars bought under finance and for modified sports cars. You may also pay more if you or someone under the age of 25 will be driving the car. 

Types of car insurance:

There are three main types: 

Comprehensive insurance offers the greatest protection, and covers you against fire, theft, accident damage to your car, and damage to other cars and property. 

Third party property insurance covers you against damage caused to other cars and property. It does not provide any protection for your car. If you are considering this type of insurance, you should also ask for information on ‘uninsured motorist cover’. This partially protects you against damage to your car, to a limited amount, if an uninsured driver is at fault. Other conditions may also apply. 

Third party property, fire and theft insurance is similar to third party property insurance, but with additional cover for damage to your car caused by fire or theft. 
Before signing your insurance policy, make sure you read the policy booklet and product disclosure statement. These documents will specify conditions such as who is allowed to drive the vehicle you are insuring. 

Policy cancellation or claim refusal:

Your insurer may cancel your policy or refuse your claim if you were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of an incident, or you did not disclose:

modifications to your car 

your accident history 

prior driving conditions or offences 

personal disabilities. 

5. warranties:

Manufacturer’s warranties:

If you purchase a product or service and find it has a defect, the warranty sets out what you can claim and how you can claim it. 

All new cars come with a manufacturer’s warranty covering any faults and defects. 

Study the warranty carefully, as details such as the length of the warranty period vary. Identify and correct any faults at the first mechanical service, which should occur soon after delivery. 


If repairs are required during the warranty period, we suggest you take the vehicle back to the authorised dealer. However, scheduled services can be done by qualified independent mechanics without affecting the warranty, provided: 

the work is done according to its conditions (manufacturer’s specifications), and 

genuine parts and lubricants are used. 

The Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC) and RACV can provide more information on mechanics.

Extended warranties:

Dealers may also offer extended warranties at the point of sale or at the end of a manufacturer’s warranty. These warranties extend the coverage provided in the original manufacturer's warranty, usually at an additional cost. Note that extended warranties are optional. 

Extended warranties may restrict your choice of mechanic and parts used, or lock you into a service schedule with a specific dealer or group of dealerships.

Note: regardless of the type of warranty you have (or even after a manufacturer's warranty expires), you still have protection under the Australian Consumer Law if you have a problem with your car. 

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1. 调查研究

  • —比较报纸和互联网上广告的车价。实地考察,货比三家。

  • —可以讨价还价,在买二手车时,尤其如此。

  • —汽车杂志和网站可以提供有关汽车性能、燃油成本、安全特性和其他的细节信息。

  • 获取不同汽车长期维护成本的信息。例如,进口汽车的维护或维修成本可能会较高。

  • —以下资源可以提供实用的信息:

    • Howsafeisyourcar.com.au– 评估不同汽车品牌的安全性

    • 油耗指南数据库–不同车型的燃油消耗的详细信息

    • 绿色车辆指南-汽车环保性能信息

    • VicRoads网站有关汽车牌照、道路安全证书和安全登记检查的详细信息。

2. 办贷款、买保险时要货比三家

  • 大多数持牌车行提供贷款服务。但这可能不是最便宜或最好的贷款方案。

  • 请查看银行、信用社和其他提供贷款金融机构的利率和收费情况。

  • 在贷款获得批准之前,请不要签订买车合同。

  • 买车时,最好买个保险,但买保险并非强制规定。如果出现事故或者车辆被盗、损坏或破坏,保险可以保护您免于承担费用。

  • 您可以从任何您所偏好的提供商那里购得保险。请确保在预算中计入保险费用。

  • 对于不同类型的汽车和驾驶员的评级,保险费用会有所不同。如果您本人或其他开该车的人不满25岁,那么您也可能要多付一些钱。

3. 选择买车的最佳方式

  • 一般来说,大多数新车都是通过持牌车行购买。

  • 不过,您也可以通过私人卖家或拍卖行购买二手车。确保选择最适合自己的购车方案。

  • 通过私人卖家或拍卖购买汽车有时会更便宜,但风险更大,因为所获得的合法权益没有从持牌车行那里获得得多。您可能也无法在买车前检查汽车。

  • 如果您从持牌车行购车,则会获得更多的合法权益。比如,购车合同签订后,您有三天的时间来改变主意。

  • 当您从持牌车行购车时,还可获得保修。保修意味着,如果汽车在购买后出现某些故障,则不必为此付款。

  • 特许经销商和私人卖家都在网上销售汽车。购买从未亲自检验过的车时要格外小心。

  • 买车前,请找您所信任的人对汽车的机械状况进行独立评估。

  • 看到网上广告以比预期低得多的价格销售汽车时,要格外小心。这可能是一个骗局,其目的在于让您预付一笔留车的押金,而实际上该车并不存在。


1. 签订合同

  • 不要在压力下签订合同。花点时间理解合同。若不理解合同,请找能看懂合同的人帮忙。

  • 第一次验车时,尽量不要签合同。请花点时间看看这辆车在其销售地以外是否适合自己。

  • 如果合同中有您不同意的内容,请和卖家沟通。合同条款可以更改。

2. 改变主意

  • 切记,如果和持牌车行签订买车合同,您会有三个工作日的“冷静期”。这意味着您有三个工作日的时间来改变买车的想法。

  • 如果您决定在三天内改变主意,卖方可以保留:

    • 400澳元或购车价格的百分之二,以较高者为准(新车),或

    • 100澳元或购车价格的百分之一,以较高者为准(二手车)。

    3. 保修
  • 切记,当您从持牌车行购车时,您会获得保修。保修将有助于保护您免于为修复汽车将来可能出现的故障而付费。不同新车的保修期可能各有不同。私人或拍卖销售不提供保修。

  • 当您从特许经销商处购买二手车时,其必须给您提供保修的条件是:

    • 车龄不足10年,并且

    • 行驶公里数不到16万公里。

  • 二手车法定保修期限为3个月或5000公里,以先到者为准。经销商必须修复保修期内的任何故障,以确保汽车在使用年限内车况合理。

  • 即使在法定保证期满后,根据《澳大利亚消费者法》的规定,若车辆出现问题,您仍享有多种权益。不过,保护程度将取决于车龄和车况等因素。

  • 经销商也可以提供延期保修。此类保修服务扩大了原始制造商保修中提供的保修范围,通常需要支付额外费用。您不必接受延期保修。

    4. 了解到底要付多少钱



    1. 车的保养


    2. 汽车的修理

    • 在选择机械师时,要了解他们是否是RACV和Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC)等协会的会员,这些协会的会员必须遵守行为准则。

    • 当您开车去维修时,向机械师清楚解释需要做的维修。

    • 提前获得成本估算,最好是书面的。

    • 有时,机械师可能会发现汽车的其他毛病。请确保让机械师先打电话给您,然后再开始着手您未授权的额外维修工作。在您同意修理之前,请确保所有报价都是书面的。

    • 如果您和修理工不能就修理汽车的费用达成一致,那么Consumer     Affairs Victoria也许能帮助解决问题。有关详细信息,请参阅我们的解决争议页面。


    • 如果您租车,租车公司必须确保车的质量合适。

    • 在签署汽车租赁协议之前,一定要阅读和理解协议。若不理解合同,请找能看懂合同的人帮忙。

    • 确保您知道如果汽车有任何损坏,谁将负责。例如,保险将在多大程度上承担成本?


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