
原创 2018年07月31日 笔果英语







How is sexual assault different from rape?







Let’s visualize the picture of a rape criminal scene.


Midnight, a woman walking alone, she felt someone was following her. Suddenly, she was seized by fierce force, and her mouth was covered. She saw he had a knife and heard ‘Don’t move, or ill hurt you’.


In such scene, we would often imagine the rapist to have following characteristics:

Vicious and evil looking, uneducated, unemployed and had criminal history, homeless, a depraved lower-class man.



① Visualize the picture of … 想象……的场景

② Criminal scene   犯罪场景

③ Rapist   强奸犯

④ Vicious and evil looking  长相凶恶的

性侵(sexual assault)





A usual Friday, a girl went to KTV with her friends, a cool guy was hitting on her all night. When it was passing 1am, the girl wanted to go home, so the guy said I will drive you home and she agreed. In the car, the guy touched her leg and said he likes her. The girl refused and started worrying. Next moment, the car went to the dark side of the road. The man jumped on her, she was very scared, and she begged him not to hurt her. This was the darkest night she has ever had in her life. She stopped fighting and wish he finish it faster, so she could go home.



① Hit on sb. 和某人搭讪

② Be scared of sth. 对某件事情感到恐惧

③ Beg sb. (not) to do 请求某人做/不要做某事



We rarely link the following men with a rapist: your manager who wears his wedding ring every day, head of company, successful businessman, a university student.




The most shocking thing is, this girl never told anyone about what happened to her that night because she was not sure if what happened to her qualified as rape. ‘there is no fight. I have no proof’ she said, she cannot prove the beast act was against her will simply because there was no resisting. Because in the eyes of the law, the victim needs to prove her innocence -- by showing marks on her body as evidence that she engaged in a vigorous and continuous fight with her aggressor, but in most court cases, no amount of marks is ever enough.



① Rerely link with  把…和…联系在一起

Be qualified as  可以被认为是

Be against sb’s will  违背某人的意愿

Be engaged in   参与到某件事情中

Vigorous and continuous   激烈而持久的

Aggressor  侵略者

⑦ Marks on the body  身体上的伤痕



Who told her go to those clubs? You saw how she and her friends were dressed, right? Those miniskirts, those necklines? What do you expect? Questions that aren't really questions, but rather, judgments -- judgments that end in a  verdict: she asked for it. That finding would be verified by the fact that she didn't mention having struggled to avoid being raped. So that means she didn't resist. It means she consented. If she asked for it and allowed it, how are we calling it rape?



① Judgments  评论

② Verdict  判决

③ Be verified by  被……所证实

④ Consent  同意



This is why most women stay silent after sexual assault. She was afraid the person she'd choose to tell her story to would have the same reaction as the rest of us: they'd have doubts, suspicions. And if that had happened, it would have been worse, perhaps, than the rape itself. And with her partner, it would have been extremely difficult: the slightest hint of doubt on his face or in his voice would have been devastating for her and would have probably meant the end of their relationship. The girl keeps silent because deep down she knows that nobody -- none of us, not her family or therapists, let alone the police or judges -- are willing to hear what happened in that moment.



① Stay silent   保持沉默

② Suspicions  怀疑

③ A hit of doubt   一丝怀疑

④ Be devastating for sb.  对某人来说是毁灭性的

⑤ Deep down  内心深处

如果我們还是继续按照固定思维去想象强暴犯是一个颓废的社会底层男子, 而不是在周末外出追求女孩的 大学生或是生意人; 如果我們继续按照固定思维去固化受害者女性的衣着容貌和社会地位── 那么我们还是无法倾听她们的声音。 女性无法說出來的情況將會持续。而我們也將继续要為她們的沉默、 以及孤獨, 承担責任。


Now, if we continue to expect rape to be what it very rarely is -- with the rapist as a depraved lower-class man and not a university student or a businessman who goes out chasing after girls on a Friday or Saturday; if we keep judging the victims based on their appearance -- we will continue to be unable to listen. Women will continue to be unable to speak. And we will all continue to be responsible for that silence and their solitude.



① Depraved  堕落的

② Lower-class man  来自社会底层的人

③ Judge sb. based on sb’s appearance      


④ Solitude  孤单

*原文内容参考来自TED, Inés Hercovich

Why women stay silent after sexual assault

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