Lab_Shangmo is invited by Landsea group, which is the green building pioneer in the industry, to do the renovation design for an architecture building as well as the interior. The Jinguili project is located in Wuxi Taihu New City CBD area. After the redesign, the project is newly named as Xinjun and achieved totally fresh life power. The property value is increased by more than 5 times compared with before, meanwhile it becomes the landmark of the whole area in term's its green technology and low carborn fulfillment.
无锡新郡项目位于太湖新城。紧靠市府大楼,金融商务街,地铁公交交通网络便捷发达,坐拥金匮公园、尚贤河湿地公园、长广溪湿地公园等三大生态自然景观,具有得天独厚的绿色宜居优势。New County is located in the CBD of Wuxi Taihu New City Financial Business Street, and thesubway bus transportation network is convenient and developed. It is located inJinluo Park, Shangxian River Wetland Park and Changguangxi Wetland Park. Theecological and natural landscape has a unique green and livable advantage.

结合LAB尚墨绿色低碳建筑的经验,以及朗诗绿色地产的理念,对绿色生活进行进阶革新,将特色科技融入设计。一贯秉承着“设计提升人幸福”的理念,所以LAB尚墨在本次改造项目中,通过舒适的空间设计,淡雅高贵的色调配和精致光洁的装饰,多样的配套设施和完善的支撑体系,使住户的生活得到了品质提升。在建筑的限定空间内,对内部空间进行合理的空间布局是室内设计的主要工作之一,LAB在设计的过程中,也主要考虑了空间的功能性、实用性及流线。Combiningthe experience of LAB ShangMo green and low-carbon buildings and the conceptof LANDSEA Green Real Estate, we will carry out advanced innovations in greenliving and integrate distinctive technologies into design. LAB has alwaysadhered to the concept of “designing to enhance people'shappiness”,LAB Shangmo has designed a comfortable space in this renovation project withelegant best-matching color and exquisite furnishes.In the limited space of the building, reasonable spatial layout of the interiorspace is one of the main tasks of interior design. In the process of design,LAB Shangmo also considered the functionality, practicability and streamlinesof the space.

▲平面布置图The Floor Plan
空间主要分为动态区域与静态区域,动态区域主要为阳台、客厅、起居室、餐厅厨房等,而静态区域则是卧室及更衣室等。在设计中,我们将动态区域做了一个串联,既考虑到流线畅通,更能使客厅、起居室、开放书房的光照性充足,保证其功能性及舒适性。厨房有功能完善的中、西厨,加上雪花白大理石吧台,让户主轻松自在地沉浸于弄厨之乐,或与家人惬意地享用温馨早点。The space is mainly divided into dynamic area and static area. The dynamic area is mainly balcony, living room, living room, dining room kitchen,etc. The static area is the bedroom and dressing room. In the design, we havemade a series of dynamic areas, which not only considers the smooth flow, butalso makes the living room, living room and open study room full ofillumination, ensuring its functionality and comfort. The kitchen has afull-featured Chinese and Western kitchen, plus a snow-white marble bar table,where the household can easily immerse themselves in the kitchen, and enjoy thewarmth with the family.

In the static space, we have a cloakroom for the bedroom, so thatthe occupants have enough privacy and storage space. Functional lighting isalso set up in different spaces to create a humanized space.

Thebedroom is dominated by warm colours, and the bedroom's bed is decorated withbeige, gold-coloured fabric and metal strips to add a warm and inviting atmosphere to the room. The control panel of the bedside controls the opening and closing of the three reading circuits of the top reading lamp, the bedside lamp and the night light, and any mode state can be set freely. The light inthe closet is controlled by the touch switch, the door light of the wardrobe isopened, and the wardrobe door is closed. The light goes out.
卫生间则可采用红外传感器控制,人进灯亮,人走灯延时熄灭。风格以简洁大方的清镜柜搭配石材和胡桃木的台盆柜,在一室暖灰色大理石的衬托下,倍显矜贵时尚。Thebathroom can be controlled by an infrared sensor, the light turns on whenpeople walked in, and the people leave the room the light is off. Styled with a clean and elegant mirror cabinet withstone and walnut basin cabinets, warm grey marble makes the bathroom morestylish.
LAB_尚墨在住宅室内设计上,除了考虑美观及舒适度,更秉承了人居健康生活,总是在细节中绽放璀璨光芒,幸福生活的秘密就藏在那些不起眼却令人感动的细节里。并在天花板下预埋水管,通过管内流动低温(或高温)水,均匀柔和地向房间辐射冷量(或热量)。让整个房间如同天然的山洞,冬暖夏凉,四季如春。Inaddition to considering the beauty and comfort, LAB ShangMo interior design,in addition to the principle of humanity, in the extreme value, always shine inthe details, the secret of happy life is hidden in those humble but people get touchedin the details.

与传统的开窗通风换气相比,地送风新风系统能在室内提供良好的空气品质。从地板或墙底部送风口或上送风口所送冷风在地板表面上扩散开来,形成有组织的气流组织,余热及污染物在浮力及气流组织的驱动力作用下向上运动,由设在顶部的排风口排出,将新风系统安装在地面会得到更好的通风效果。并加强了加湿除湿系统,夏季除湿,冬季加湿,提供24小时清爽舒适的鲜氧新风,实现黄梅天干爽舒适,秋冬季温润宜人。The ground air supply fresh air system canprovide good air quality indoors because carbon dioxide is heavier than air, sothe closer to the ground, the lower the oxygen content; the cold air sent fromthe floor or wall bottom air outlet or the upper air outlet diffuses on thefloor surface. Open, form organized airflow structure, residual heat andpollutants move upward under the driving force of buoyancy and airfloworganization, and are discharged from the exhaust vents at the top. The freshair system will be installed on the ground for better ventilation.

澳大利亚LAB Architecture Studio
中国地址:上海市愚园路1107号 2号楼
Address:No.2, 1107 Yuyuan Road, Shanghai
电话:t + 86 21 6211 0286
传真:f +86 21 6211 2353