
2017年11月14日 中港澳洲法商天地

由本年1118日开始, 在申请澳洲签证时向移民局提交失实或误导性数据或文件, 将会被禁止在10年内再提出签证申请。现时的规定是一年。所以一些签证申请人,在接到移民局通知怀疑其提交失实数据时,立刻撤回申请然后再在一年后重新申请。新例就是要堵塞这个漏洞。

New rules are coming into effect that will bar an applicant for ten years if they provide false or misleading information in their visa application. Under the existing regulations, applicants who supply false documents or false and misleading information are only barred from re-applying for 12 months. The intention behind this amendment is to prevent applicants from circumventing the rules by way of withdrawing their applications “once notified by the Department of suspected fraud, only to re-attempt their visa application after the period of 12 months has elapsed.”

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