分享 | 自带免疫力的健康住宅

2020年03月03日 LAB 25 +


From collections displayed in museums, to families living in three stars homes。For over 30 years, LAB shangmo and our partners have worked together to protect every piece of art as well as a comfortable and healthy space tailored for each customer. What about a healthy home with immunity? We start with a museum story:


▲ 新风系统,有效过滤PM2.5颗粒,送风均匀。

▶ LAB设计的“小心机”  

The fresh air systemconsists of independent intake and outtakes. The fresh air sent in is highly purified, taking away the concentration of potential aerosols and pollutants inthe room to ensure air quality. The fresh air system and the radiant tube system are independent. Capillary controls the right temperature, and the freshair system controls the right humidity. Enhance physical comfort.



After entering China in 2004, LAB shangmo draws onmuseum-level advanced standards and experience, has participated in the health research and development standards of partners, and has focused on serving partners with differentiated products.

▲澳大利亚Art Gallery_LAB1994年设计,2002年投入使用。

▶     根据客户定位以及建筑功能要求,设置全置换新风系统解决方案。

Air supply: Fresh airis sent into the rooms through buried ducts after multiple purification andtemperature adjustments.Exhaust air: Directly exhaust indoor dirty air to the outdoor atmosphere through the exhaust vent located at the top of the room, without reuse.

This kind of replacement ventilation through multiple filters and lower andupper rows can ensure the quality of indoor air, allowing you to enjoy fresherair at a constant temperature and humidity without opening the window. 

▲太湖新城 Landsea New Centre_LAB尚墨2015设计,2018年交付运营。

Green and healthy residential delivery standardsare different from traditional homes. Health technology standards are composedof cold and heat source units, new fan units, radiation terminals andintelligent control systems. Without opening windows and using traditional air conditioning or heating, Humidity, air quality and oxygen content are maintained within the range of human health and comfort.

▲太湖新城 Landsea New Centre_LAB尚墨2015设计,2018年交付运营。

▶     健康科技住宅的气流设计,有别于常见的混合通风,混合通风是将新风与室内的污浊空气进行混合后,再将混合后的空气排走一部分,是通过稀释原空气的方式来降低室内污染物的浓度。健康科技住宅采用毛细管顶棚辐射为室内末端方案,有效调节室内温度。实现温度均匀的效果,无吹风感。过滤PM2.5,新鲜空气从室外独立进入,不交叉,不混合,不回送。24小时不间断送入新风,排出甲醛等VOC污染物,每2小时空气完全置换3次,并高于五星级酒店标准。

The airflow design of a healthy technology residenceis different from the common mixed ventilation. Mixed ventilation is to mix freshair with the dirty air in the room, and then remove part of the mixed air,which is to reduce indoor pollution by diluting the original air Material concentration, most buildings use this method. 

Although it can reduce electricity costs, potential pollution may be sent to all rooms connected to the same air system through the returnair. Therefore, the delivered healthy technology residential buildings require fresh air configuration for the whole house's air purification and replacement. The minimum number of fresh air replacements is 3times every 2 hours, which is higher than the five-star hotel standard.  







▶     LAB尚墨为新西郊设计的踢脚线送风系统,是将新风从安装在踢脚线上的风口送入,由于新风密度较低,将会在室内底部堆积形成新风湖。室内新风缓慢上升时会将原有空气全部替换,最后由位于顶部的排风口连续不断地将房间上部的污浊空气排走,这种通过置换原空气的方式,是最有效、最彻底的降低污染物浓度方式之一。

LAB shangmo replacement ventilation system for the basement air supply system for the new western suburbs is a form of baseboard air supply. The fresh air is sent in from the ground outlet. The indoor freshair slowly rises to replace all the original air. Finally, the exhaust air atthe top of the house continuously removes the dirty air in the upper part ofthe room. This is a way to reduce the indoor pollutant concentration by replacing the original air. It is the most effective and thorough way to reduce the concentration of pollutants.


▶     送风和排风的独立运行。


Independent operation of supply air and exhaust air:Fresh air enters the air duct in the positive pressure air supply shaft afterbeing processed by the roof equipment, and the air duct is connected to the floorair outlet of each room through the floor surface to send fresh air to eachroom. Exhaust air: Because the room is relatively closed, the positive pressure generated by the fresh air system removes the indoor pressure through the pressure relief device on the door in the room, and then exhausts theair through the exhaust wells in the bathroom and kitchen.


▶ 让你自带“省钱机”

健康科技住宅的整体运营费用已大大降低, 配套标准正从一线城市普及开来,根据不同地域及使用习惯优化成本,从而使后期运行系统更经济、更舒服、更低能耗。

Because the overall energy consumption costs of healthy technology homes are controllable, standards for healthy homes arebeing spread from first-tier cities, and costs are optimized based on usage habits in different regions and the later system operation fee is more economical, and theliving comfort is low and the energy consumption is low. 



Although the actual bill is difficult tocalculate, it is estimated that the energy monthly cost of 3 yuan / ㎡, deducting the purchase cost of electrical appliances, depreciation maintenance and operation costs, in exchange for ahealthier and more comfortable living experience.

Considering that traditional air conditioners cannot achieve full house coverage at all times. Health technology system, can reach pleasant and comfortable temperature throughout the year, pure air, avoiding air-conditioning disease, no Huang Meiji trouble.It can also cover the space that ordinary air conditioners such as kitchens and bathrooms cannotapply, so that cookingin summer is no longer like taking a sauna, and bathing in winter will not havethe uncomfortable experience of being suddenly cold and hot.


▶  助你在家成为健康免疫“战士”


From green star rating to healthy community standards, LAB partners with differentiated products to bring health standards to the community.









When more and more people enjoy green building, lifewill return to it‘s original state.

The bell dedicated to spring 2020 sounds.


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澳大利亚LAB Architecture Studio


中国地址:上海市愚园路1107号 2号楼

Address:No.2, 1107 Yuyuan Road, Shanghai

电话:t + 86 21 6211 0286

传真:f +86 21 6211 2353



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