“自然与城市共生”是深汕沿海地区未来发展的主题。我们的设计理念是“基于自然的规划” 充分利用当地自然特征及其多样性。
Our proposal forthe overall planning of the Coastal Area of the ShenshanSpecial Cooperation Zone began with the landscape design of the 50 kmcoastline. This "landscape first, urbanization second" approachallows us to create six distinctive zones along the coast of the ShenshanSpecial Cooperation Zone. The unique urban structure suits the existingcharacteristics of each area. The intermediate space between sea level andflood level creates interesting landscapes and urban structures, creating moreretail spaces underground, which are normally environmentally safe and elasticwhen natural diasters happens (such as floods).
"Integrationof nature and city" is the theme of the future development of the CoastalArea of Shenshan.Our design scheme is "nature-based planning" to make full use oflocal natural characteristics and their diversity.
▶ 小渔村变身旅游集散岛
The historic Houmen Village attracts tourists with its softtem perament. We hope to retain its original characteristics in the developmentof Shenshan. As a local fishing port, we first rehabilitated the marineecosystem of the Red Bay. In addition, we reorganized and improved the seafoodmarket as a central public asset, transforming it into a relatively publicrealm. At the same time, we added a striking tree-lined avenue and raised itslightly in the urban structure of the deep mountain. This historic village will be surrounded by waterways and the surrounding greenery structure, which forms a "green ecological ring”. We have also added a ferry terminal tothe port and therefore, people in Shenzhen can arrive here by ferry, spend aday on the beautiful Shenshan Beach, eat fresh seafood at the sky restaurant inthe village and return with the most satisfying smile home.
▶ 小渔村高配置_深汕高铁鲘门站

To Houmen Station, the main station on the Shenshan coast, it takes 1 hour from Xiamen–Shenzhen High-speed Railway Houmen Station to Shenzhen North Station in the west andChaoshan Station in the east. The West-East distance is 280 kilometres.
Houmen train station will be renovated into the new train station. Instead of replacing the existing station with the new station, we will keep the existing and cover with the glasshouse. The river-front and the bridge will create enough shaders for the passengers to be able to walk through comfortably to the metro station, downtown and to the coast.
▶ 小渔村披新装_生态景观公园
Houmen Water Landscape Park and the Green Ring ofHoumen Village store the rainwater in the area. Due to climate change, therewill be occasional strong showers. Rainwater pipes need to process largeamounts of water in a short time. Although it is operable to increase theamount of drainage during the rain shower above; it is wiser to collect andretain the water in the city’s roofs and parks before gradually draining. Thiswill bring clean landscape water to the city. Water storage on the roof of abuilding is the first step in slowly discharging rainwater.
The coastal area of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone will be fully integrated with the natural system. It will be based on the "Nature-based system" principle.Shenshan Coastal Area will showcase the new planning method that uses the power of nature to be safe in the event of natural disasters, to be energy neutral and to be healthy and liveable for both humans and animals. The goal of nature-based planning is to create a circular city: a city that is regenerative and accessible by design, a city that generates prosperity, increase livability and resilience.
澳大利亚LAB Architecture Studio
中国地址:上海市愚园路1107号 2号楼
Address:No.2, 1107 Yuyuan Road, Shanghai
电话:t + 86 21 6211 0286
传真:f +86 21 6211 2353