2018年5月,LAB_尚墨参与了崇明东平特色小镇城市设计国际方案征集。基于打造“田园中的小镇”的概念,设计团队为上海崇明生态岛上的东平镇创建了一个特色小镇的全新城市愿景。LAB_ShangMo participated in the international urban design of the characteristic town of Chongming Dongpingin May 2018. Based on the concept of “a small town in the pastoral”, the designteam created a new urban vision for a unique town in Dongping Town on theChongming Ecological Island in Shanghai.

崇明特殊的地理位置,使其成为上海体现生态文明发展的先导区与示范区。为全面实现生态文明建设,崇明提出“以生产、生活方式的转变促进崇明发展模式的全面转型,把崇明区建设成为在生态环境、资源利用、经济社会发展、人居品质等方面具有全球引领示范作用的世界级生态岛”的总体目标。东平镇位于崇明岛北部地区,是于2008年8月经上海市政府批准建立的新建制镇,地域总面积119.7平方公里。Chongming's special geographical location makes it a leading anddemonstrated area for Shanghai to reflect the development of ecologicalcivilization. In order to fully realize the construction of ecologicalcivilization, Chongming proposed "to promote the comprehensive transformation of Chongming's development mode with the transformation ofproduction and lifestyle, and to build Chongming District into a global demonstration in terms of ecological environment, resource utilization,economic and social development, and human settlement quality. The overall goalof the role of a world-class ecological island."Dongping Town isa new built town approved by the Shanghai Municipal Government in August 2008 locatedin the northern part of Chongming Island, with a total area of 119.7 squarekilometers.

上世纪60-70年代崇明的农场还是一片滩涂地。1960年左右,20万上海知青到农场下乡,围海垦田,开疆拓土。80年代后,第一代农场人建设了东平林场、长江农场、东风农场、前进农场、前哨农场等农场。2008 年,上海市政府同意在四大农场的基础上正式成立东平镇,光明食品集团入驻主抓农业生产,管理土地资产。2017年东平镇获住建部批复,成为国家第二批特色小镇,确定东平镇的特色为鲜活、乐活的农场小镇。Chongming farmwas a wetland In the 60s and 70s of the last century. Around 1960, two hundredthousand Shanghai educated youth were send to the countryside to reclaim thefarmland and sea . After the 1980s, the first generation of farmers built farmssuch as Dongping Forest Farm, Changjiang Farm, Dongfeng Farm, Qianjin Farm, andOutpost Farm. In 2008, the Shanghai Municipal Government agreed to formallyestablish Dongping Town on the basis of the four major farms. Guangming FoodGroup settled in agricultural production and managed land assets. In 2017,Dongping Town was approved by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Developmentand became the second batch of characteristic towns in the country. It isdetermined that the characteristics of Dongping Town are fresh and lively farmtowns.
东平镇作为崇明重点打造的小镇,将借助国家鼓励发展特色小镇和崇明撤县建区的契机,围绕崇明世界级生态岛建设的总目标以及2021年中国花卉博览会的召开,以东平镇老镇为基础,打造上海都市田园新镇。As a key townbuilt by Chongming, Dongping Town will take advantage of the opportunity by thestate to encourage the development of characteristic towns and Chongming Countyto build a district. The overall goal of Chongming's world-class ecologicalisland construction and the 2021 China Flower Expo will be held in DongpingTown, the town works as a basis to create a new urban town in Shanghai.
▲鸟瞰图 Aerial View

▲设计理念 Concept
通过食品艺术活动、文化资源保护和知青历史的探索学习,推动了农场发展和社会资源重整利用,为当代食品艺术注入活力,为经济市场带来新的可能性。无论是文化还是资源上从各层面针对乡村经济衰退改造和激活、具有持续性的项目探索振兴乡村战略。Through theexploration of food art activities, cultural resources protection and educatedyouth history, the development of farms and the recycling of social resourceshave been promoted to inject vitality into contemporary food art and bring newpossibilities to the economic market. Revitalize the rural strategy, whether itis cultural or resource-oriented, from all levels to the rural economicrecession transformation and activation, and sustainable project exploration.
There is also alake ecosystem and a farmland ecosystem in the Dongping characteristic townpark, a space designed for people to jog and relax. It can be said that it is aclassroom without high barriers, it is a good place for outdoor play, allowingstudents to experience and understand the nature.
▲总体规划结构 Masterplan structure
5-star woodhouse on the lake 原木屋凌空搭建在湖面上,与水波倒映的山色相互辉映,充满着异国风味,让人有置身在异域的感觉。为了顺应地形,最大程度地保护原有的生态景观,设计将酒店所需的大体量民宿、客房等拆分成许多个小体量的功能空间,每个客房的各功能房都以独立的木屋形式呈现。圆环形的会议中心沿河而建,拥有360°的全景观视野,也将业主所需的各项功能容纳其中。The wood house isset up on the surface of the lake, reflecting the mountains and watersreflected by the waves, full of exotic flavors, giving people the feeling ofbeing in an exotic place. In order to adapt to the terrain and protect theoriginal ecological landscape to the greatest extent, the design divides thelarge-scale home stay and guest rooms required by the hotel into a number ofsmall-sized functional spaces. Each function room of each guest room is presentedas separate wooden house. The circular conference center is built along theriver and has a 360° view of the entire landscape. It also accommodates thefunctions required by the owner.

EcologicalExperience Farm “生态体验农场”将动态的农业生产作为景观体验进行设计,尊重东平镇原有的地貌环境,赋予农场全新的生命。设计不仅保护了原貌的完整性与真实性,还将其开发成为具有旅游休闲价值的体验区,为田园小镇带来集文化、娱乐、旅游、教育于一体的文化游览区。 “Ecological Experience Farm” designs dynamicagricultural production as a landscape experience, respects the originallandscape environment of Dongping Town, and gives the farm a new life. Thedesign not only protects the integrity and authenticity of the originalappearance, but also develops it into an experience zone with tourism andleisure value, bringing a cultural and cultural area integrating culture,entertainment, tourism and education to the pastoral town.

Historicalbuilding renovation 东平镇老镇位于此次设计基地的东侧,设计任务之一是考虑老镇建筑与新城市环境的融合。随着城市发展,越来越多的年轻人离开了老镇,选择在城区中生活。老镇逐渐失去活力。如何让年轻人重新回到老城中生活,是城市更新的一项重要内容。在东平镇老镇的改造过程中,设计团队考虑将适应当下年轻人生活的生活方式、品牌引入,结合老建筑富有历史感的特点,创建东平老镇的全新面貌。The old town ofDongping Town is located on the east side of the design base. One of the designtasks is to consider the integration of the old town architecture and the newurban environment. With the development of the city, more and more young peoplehave left the old town and chose to live in the city. The old town graduallylost its vitality. How to get young people back to live in the old city is animportant part of urban renewal. In the transformation process of the old townof Dongping Town, the design team considered to adapt to the lifestyle andbrand of the young people's life, and combined with the historical features ofthe old building, to create a new look of the old Dongping town.

澳大利亚LAB Architecture Studio
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