【CCL干货】CCL welfare系列(九):福利金教育补充款

原创 2020年12月23日 笔果英语

· 希望自学CCL,却苦于找不到合适的CCL资料?

· 对澳大利亚法律、福利、


· 不知道拿到手的CCL单词表怎么利用?

· 每段CCL对话的背景知识都不精通?


CCL对话内容横跨五大主题 (legal, welfare, medical, business, education),每个主题都有很多细分话题和相关的背景知识,不论是自学备考CCL还是在老师指导下学习CCL的同学,五大话题里的背景知识都是一块不能轻视的内容。即使在我们考官亲授的CCL课程中(……顺便给大家发个广告传单),老师都会重点讲解每一个话题里经常考到的热点知识来帮助同学们更好地积累和运用。



1. 看文本:记录welfare细分话题相关规定及细节(不要忘记数字噢!);
2. 听音频:音频由口音纯正的老师亲自录制,重点抓取文本里中英双译的key words,记录单词并积累单词。

  文本: 福利金教育补充款  


中 文 文 本

详 情 :


1. 基本介绍:


如果一些 Centrelink 和 Veterans’Affairs 的客户同时还是全日制学生,或者在某些情况下,是兼职学生,则可获得 PensionerEducation Supplement。

从 2014 年 1 月 1 日起,领取 Newstart Allowance 的单身客户,同时还其子女的主要照顾者,只要符合所有其他规定,就有资格领取该补贴。

2. 其他领取资格规定

要获得 PES,您必须满足以下规定:




3. 补贴金额

补贴金通常为每两周 62.40 澳元,但如果您兼职学习,补贴金可能会较低,每两周 31.20 澳元。

4. 注册证明


5. 活动评测要求

如果您是领取 Newstart Allowance 的单身主要照顾者,并且已为所学课程获批 PES,那么您的学习可能计入 活动评测要求。请与我们或您的就业服务提供商联系。


英 文 文 本

详 情 :

(‘we’ refers to department of human services. )

Pensioner Education Supplement

1. introduction: 

The Pensioner Education Supplement helps with the ongoing costs of study in secondary or tertiary courses. 

Pensioner Education Supplement is available to some Centrelink and Veterans’ Affairs customers if they are also full-time students, or in some circumstances, part-time students. 

From 1 January 2014 customers receiving Newstart Allowance who are single and the principal carer of their children, will be eligible for the supplement, provided they meet all the other rules. 

2. Other eligibility rules

To receive Pensioner Education Supplement you must meet the following rules: 

·  Time limits—previous study may count towards how long you can receive the supplement for your new course. 

·  Residence—you must be an Australian resident, normally live in Australia and be in Australia on the day you lodge your claim. Newly arrived residents generally have to wait some time before payments can start, with some exemptions. 

·  Approved courses—you need to be studying an approved course at an approved institution. 

3. Payment rates 

Payment is usually $62.40 per fortnight but if you are studying part-time, you may receive a lower rate of $31.20 per fortnight. 

4. Proof of enrolment 

You may be asked to provide proof that you are enrolled in your course. If we need this information, we will ask you for it. 

5. Activity Test requirements 

If you are a single principal carer on Newstart Allowance and you have been granted Pensioner Education Supplement for your course, your study may count towards your Activity Test requirements. Speak to us or your employment services provider about this. 

Additional information:

1. Payments applies to:

You must study an approved course with an approved institution to get:

-Youth Allowance as a student

-Austudy, or

-Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

You can’t get Austudy if you’ve already done a doctorate.

You can’t get Pensioner Education Supplement if you’ve already done a:

-masters, or


There can sometimes be different course and provider criteria for ABSTUDY.

2. Approved courses and institutions:

Approved courses of study may include:

-secondary school course

-special school course

-school based apprenticeship


-pre-vocational or vocational education course

-a course preparing you for tertiary study

-a TAFE or university course

-English as a Second Language course.

3. Approved institutions may include:

-secondary school

-special school

-TAFE or a registered training organisation (RTO)

-higher education institution, like a university.

4. Approved Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses:

To be an approved course at diploma level or higher, the VET course must be:

-approved for the VET Student Loan (VSL), and

-done with an institution approved to provide VSL courses.

This applies to VET courses for Youth Allowance, Austudy or PES.

You won’t need to take out a VSL to get a payment from us. The course and institutions only need to be able to offer it.

If you’re applying for ABSTUDY different criteria may apply.

5. Approved higher education courses:

You can get Youth Allowance, Austudy or PES for higher education courses. To be an approved course the institution must be approved for the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP). This includes:



-OS-HELP, and


You won’t have to take out a HELP loan to get a payment from us. The course only needs to be eligible for it.

6. Approved distance and online education:

If you study by distance education, you need to do an approved course with an approved institution.

7. Approved masters courses:

The Department of Social Services approves masters courses. Generally, only masters by coursework may be eligible for student payments.

A list of approved masters courses is available on the Federal Register of Legislation website.

You might be doing a combined masters degree and only one of the degrees appears on the Student Determination. If this is the case, you may be approved to get a student payment if:

you can study the approved degree full time, and the start and finish dates of the approved degree are clearly defined from the second degree.

8. Unapproved courses

If you are getting a payment and your course becomes unapproved, you’ll keep getting your payment until:

-your course ends, or

-you stop studying the course, or

-there’s a break in your payment.

If you withdraw from your course and then re-enrol in the same course, we won’t reinstate your payment.




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【一:学生福利金介绍 + 热点单词】








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