LAB尚墨国际总裁 Donald Bates 主持
Sichuan - Victoria Liveability Forum
2016年9月23日,在四川省长尹力先生、副省长朱鹤新先生、澳大利亚维多利亚州州长 Daniel Andrews 先生签署友好州省。并和澳洲成都领事馆总领事 Nancy Gordon 女士的共同见证下,墨尔本大学与四川大学签署协议科研合作以及共同成立科研基金。
The Sichun-Victoria Liveability Forumexplores the role of the pubilc sector, academia and industry in building and sustaining liveable cities.
Invited speakers from Melbourne, recently rated again as the world's most liveable city, and from Chengdu, mainland China's most liveable city, will share their perspectives and experience.
The liveability of a city is associated withfactors that improvethe "quality of life" of itsinhabitants. These factors include the biophysical quality of the environment, and the economic and cultural settings. In addition to meeting the fundamental needs of its citizens, it is the extent to which the "higher" needs are met that reflects the quality of life that a city canprovide.
These liveability outcomes can be realised through innovative urban and infrastructure planning, but will require a whole-of-government approach and active partnership with the commercial sector.
来自维多利亚州和墨尔本的嘉宾,分享了墨尔本连续6年获得世界最宜居城市的经验和教训。LAB尚墨国际总裁 Donald Bates 重点分享了低碳可持续城市规划设计案例。
Session 1 Liveability in Cities and Towns
第一环节 宜居城镇
Professor Tony Wong, Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities
Tony Wong 教授,澳大利亚联合研究中心水敏城市中心首席执行官
Melbourneas a liveable city - Jane Sharwood, Cityof Melbourne
墨尔本如何成为全球最宜居的城市 - JaneSharwood 墨尔本市政府
Livability and Sustainability and AUS - Architecture and Design - Professor Donald Bates, University of Melbourne and LAB Architecture Studio
宜居性、可持续及澳大利亚都市系统 - Donald Bates 教授,墨尔本大学建筑设计学院主席,LAB尚墨国际总裁,会上着重介绍了常州武进西太湖2030、南京市白下区太平南路城市设计、南京下关2030等两国合作城市设计项目。

Session 2 Environment and Water
第二环节 环境和水资源
Victoria’s capabilities in environment management - Paul Bennett, Victorian Department of Environment, Land,Water and Planning
维州在环境管理能力的简介— Paul Bennett,维多利亚州环境、土地、水资源和规划部
Panel discussion facilitated by PaulBennett, with:
· Professor Rob Skinner, Monash Sustainability Institute
· Cheryl Batagol, Environment Protection Authority Victoria
· Professor Tony Wong, Cooperative Research Centre WSC
Tony Wong教授, 澳大利亚联合研究中心水敏城市中心首席执行官

Session3 Innovation and Economy
第三环节 创新和经济
Partnerships for innovation - Phil Johnson, IOTA
创新伙伴关系–Phil Thompson,IOTA总经理
Public Private Partnerships for infrastructure funding, Michael Fairbairn, RMIT
PPP合作模式,为基础设施建设提供另外的融资渠道 - Michael Fairbairn,皇家墨尔本理工大学