Project Overview
Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters is positioned as“a typical representative of the city’s ultimate position in the globaleconomic industrial chain. Shenzhen has developed into a functional center ofworld-class cities.” It connects many transportation hubs in Shenzhen and willbring together the most powerful and influential. The global benchmarkingenterprise with core cohesiveness and radiation in the world economic networkattracts such enterprises to set up headquarters or branches in Shenzhen Bay.The region will become an urban area that offers a sense of Shenzhen’s coastallifestyle; a core area that demonstrates the city’s social outlook andconstruction standards.
规划策略 Starategy
云中漫步 Walking in the clouds
The multidirectional connectivity ishappening horizontally and vertically. To avoid the disruptive nature of thefast traffic, the Skyline suggest nearly mathematical design system for thepedestrian flow; a diagonal stream of fast connections, which provideuninterrupted and very efficient connective system, that creates new characterand public realm of the area.The diagonal shortcuts and multidirectionalconnections are more rational as they seem at the first glance. In reality,they provide space and time saving.Connections between urban block andbuildings are maximised in walking proximities and minimised in materialrequirements, providing more porosity to the street level.

深圳是一个高层建筑聚集的城市,平均建筑年龄刚刚超过7年。The Skyline 区域将作为深圳超高层建筑的阵列的衍生,但不是作为一组独立的塔楼,而是作为一个综合使用的超级经济枢纽矩阵。中央大楼作为新的金融中心,位于地铁站上方,与会议中心无缝连接,并向沿海公园的文化设施延伸。主塔的深层裙楼基座空间上围绕着Skyline 空中走廊伸入该裙楼的对角轴线而建,功能设施上上支持着额外的酒店和会议中心。

Pubilc Space
Skyline 空中走廊是公共走廊,被设计为商业和住宅的社区助推器。它们是双重使用的基础设施,在提供快速和安全的行人通道的同时,为居民提供了休憩和会面的场所。中央公园和海滨长廊是Skyline 空中走廊的自然延伸。南北向的中央公园向市民提供娱乐和文化服务,同时也是该地区的主要购物商业街。沿海地区的海滨公园的功能类似;它设置了多种文化和服务业设施,全天候的为城市提供不同的特色服务。
The elevated footbridges are public corridors, designed as communitydrivers for business and residences. They are double used infrastructure,allowing quick and safe pedestrian passage, and at the same time offeringplaces to rest and to meet. Central park and coastal promenade are natur alextensions of the Skyline. The north-south central park offers recreational and cultural services, and at the same time forms the main shopping street in thearea. The coastal stretch is operating similarly; it hosts many cultural and hospitality amenities, which provide different character to the city during theweek and over the weekend.
澳大利亚LAB Architecture Studio
中国地址:上海市愚园路1107号 2号楼
Address:No.2, 1107 Yuyuan Road, Shanghai
电话:t + 86 21 6211 0286
传真:f +86 21 6211 2353