【CCL干货】CCL welfare系列(三):托儿服务补助金

原创 2020年12月07日 笔果英语

· 希望自学CCL,却苦于找不到合适的CCL资料?

· 对澳大利亚法律、福利、


· 不知道拿到手的CCL单词表怎么利用?

· 每段CCL对话的背景知识都不精通?


CCL对话内容横跨五大主题 (legal, welfare, medical, business, education),每个主题都有很多细分话题和相关的背景知识,不论是自学备考CCL还是在老师指导下学习CCL的同学,五大话题里的背景知识都是一块不能轻视的内容。即使在我们考官亲授的CCL课程中(……顺便给大家发个广告传单),老师都会重点讲解每一个话题里经常考到的热点知识来帮助同学们更好地积累和运用。



1. 看文本:记录welfare细分话题相关规定及细节(不要忘记数字噢!);
2. 听音频:音频由口音纯正的老师亲自录制,重点抓取文本里中英双译的key words,记录单词并积累单词。

  文本: 托儿服务福利金  


中 文 文 本

详 情 :


如果你在领取 Child Care Subsidy,则你需要在年内采取措施,以管理自已的福利金。如果你的情况准确且已及时通知Department of human services,则他们将向你发放正确金额的补贴。


你应该经常预估自已的家庭收入,活跃度及其他细节。确保这些信息准确且在department of humanservices处是最新信息。


预估自已的家庭收入在确保正确领取福利金方面发挥着重要作用。DHS用此信息来计算你可以领取的 Child Care Subsidy 金额。


若你在领取 Child Care Subsidy和FamilyTax Benefit,那么准确预估自已的家庭收入就更加重要。




如果一个家庭年收入超过 186,958 澳元,则你的每个孩子每个财政年度的补贴上限为 10,190 澳元。

如果你的家庭收入超过 351,248 澳元将没有资格领取任何补贴。




如果你的活跃度发生变化,获补贴托儿时间也可能会变化。如果你或你的伴侣的活跃度发生变化,请及时告知Departmentof Human Services。


我们会自动从给您的 Child Care Subsidy 中扣留5%,留至当年年底。这将有助于降低多放补贴的可能性。









英 文 文 本

(“we”特指Department of HumanServices)

解 析 :

1.Maintaining your child care payments 

If you get Child Care Subsidy, you need to take steps during the year to manage your payment. You can do this by making sure your family details are correct and telling us when things change. 

If your circumstances are accurate and up to date with us, we will pay you the correct amount of subsidy. During the year, things can change. Your family may get a pay rise, you may change the number of days you work, or start a new job. You should check your family income estimate, activity level and other details often. Make sure they are accurate, and up to date. 

2. Your family income estimate:

Your family income estimate plays an important role in getting your payments right. We use it to work out how much Child Care Subsidy you can get. 

At the end of the year, we will balance your payments. We compare your estimated income with your actual income. We also compare the subsidy we paid with what you were actually eligible for. 

If you get Child Care Subsidy and Family Tax Benefit, it is twice as important your family income estimate is correct. We pay both of these based on your income estimate so make sure you check it regularly. If you end up earning less than your family income estimate, we may not have paid you enough subsidy. When we balance your payments, we will pay any outstanding amount directly to you. If you end up earning more than what you estimated, we may have paid you too much.

3. Income threshold:

If your family earns more than $186,958 your subsidy is capped at $10,190 for each child per financial year. 

If your family earns more than $351,248 you will not get any subsidy. 

4.Your activity level:

The number of hours of subsided child care you can get depends on the hours of recognised activities you do each fortnight. 

Recognised activities include working or doing other activities that improve your work skills like study or volunteering. If your activity level changes, your hours of subsidised care may also change. 

5.Your withholding percentage:

We automatically hold 5% of your Child Care Subsidy payments until the end of the year. This is to help reduce the chance of you getting an overpayment. 

6. Other changes:

Other changes in your circumstances may affect your Child Care Subsidy.

• you start or end a relationship 

• your child begins primary or secondary school for the first time 

• your care arrangements change 

• you change address 

• you leave Australia. 




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【一:学生福利金介绍 + 热点单词】


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