Project Overview
Bordered by the last stretches of the Yangtze’s 6300km journey, the project referencesthe ripples of the river. The form of the exhibition centre and its towers aredesigned to appear in constant movement, with light reflecting from itsglistening surfaces in an ever changing manner throughout the day and acrossthe year. The tower itself is intended to act as a beacon to the surroundingarea. Like a sailing boat navigating calm waters, the tower will stand outacross the flat former flood plains as a marker of the gateway and a graphicsymbol of Nanjing’s growth.
The organisation of the project is orientated towards the east-west road thatconnects the Bonded Zone’s entry to the rest of the area. The tower ispositioned adjacent to the main road to form a strong axis across the site. Thetower form is longer on the south and north faces, providing south sun to theinterior spaces and offering sweeping views of the Yangtze River from its upper floors.
The exhibition halls open onto a large plazaspace that is hemmed by picturesque garden beds, seating and ponds. A publicconcourse runs the length of the building and connects the tower to theexhibition halls. The concourse includes a break out space, kiosks and smallrestaurants that allow users the opportunity to relax, unwind and carry outinformal business between visits to the main exhibition spaces. By creating alarge open volume for the exhibition halls, these spaces can operate flexibly –with a multitude of different configurations. An extended loading bay from thesouth access road provides the possibility for large equipment, furniture andinstallations to be delivered directly with minimal complications.

澳大利亚LAB Architecture Studio
中国地址:上海市愚园路1107号 2号楼
Address:No.2, 1107 Yuyuan Road, Shanghai
电话:t + 86 21 6211 0286
传真:f +86 21 6211 2353