Wheeze 喘息 vs Sneeze 打喷嚏
例 句 :
- One of the main symptoms of asthma is wheeze.
- I have been sneezing a lot since yesterday.
Inhaler 哮喘喷雾剂 vs Nasal spray 鼻腔喷雾剂
例 句 :
- An inhaler is commonly used in treating asthma.
- The nasal spray is useful in treating allergic rhinitis.
Mucus 痰,粘液 vs Phlegm 下呼吸道的痰,粘液
例 句 :
- When you cough, are you bringing up mucus at the same time?
- There are lots of phlegm building up in my chest and I think I might have a chest infection.
Bronchi 支气管 vs Airway 气管
例 句 :
- An inflammation of bronchi will normally cause building up of phlegm.
- The asthma attack is caused by restricted airway.
Swollen 红肿 vs Tenderness 触痛
例 句 :
- I sprained my ankle and now it is swollen.
- Such tenderness around your wound indicates inflammation and possible infection.
Suppress 压制 vs Inhibit 抑制
例 句 :
- This cough syrup is very effective to suppress your cough.
- This medicine can inhibit the growth of tumor.
Short of breath 呼吸急促 vs Pant 大口喘气
例 句 :
- Last night, I had my first asthma attack and feeling short of breath.
- Any person waking from a nightmare will sit upright and pant.
Running nose 流鼻涕 vs
stuffy/blocked/congested nose 鼻塞
例 句 :
- A common sign of cold and flu is running nose.
- This nasal spray can treat your stuffy nose quickly.
Croup 哮吼 vs Cough 咳嗽
例 句 :
- Croup is a type of respiratory infection that is usually caused by a virus.
- Frequent coughing usually indicates the presence of a disease.
Antiseptic 消毒的 vs Antibacterial 杀菌的
例 句 :
- Antiseptic substance inhibits the proliferation of most infectious agents.
- Antibacterial medicine will destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria only.
例 句 :
Condition 病名 | Diagnosis 诊断 | |
冠心病 ( Coronary heart disease ) 包括: 心绞痛 ( Angina ) 心脏病 ( heart attack ) | Narrowing of the coronary arteries, the blood vessels that supply oxygen and blood to the heart 由于心脏冠状血管变窄造成对心肌供氧不足。 | Can be diagnosed with ECG (eletrocardiogram)
可以由心电图确诊 |
高血压 (Hypertension) (High blood pressure) | High blood pressure usually does not cause symptoms, but sometimes give people headache
高血压是很常见的一种慢性心血管疾病,往往没有明显的症状。头疼为高血压最典型的表症。 | Normal blood pressure for adult is 135 over 85 The measuring unit is called mmHg - Millimeter of mercury
正常血压值为上压135下压85 测量单位为毫米汞柱 |
中风 ( Stroke ) | Stroke is when part of the brain loses its blood supply and the part of the body that the blood-deprived brain cells control stops working. 中风是一种急性脑部缺氧而导致身体某一部位停止工作。 | Can be diagnosed with either CT scan or MRI scan.
CT- X射线计算机断层成像 MRI-核磁共振成像 |
深静脉血栓 (Deep vein thrombosis) | DVT is the formation of a blood clot in a deep vein, most commonly the legs.
DVT是由腿部深度静脉血液滞缓形成的血栓。 | Symptoms may include pain, swelling, redness, or warmth of the affected area. 症状有局部疼痛,肿胀,发红,发热 |