
原创 2018年11月12日 悉尼PTEtutorTITAN

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今天我们邀请到了第一次考试就65炸,第三次就准90炸的高同学给我们做一下他的经验分享! 雅思成绩听力最低只有6,但是PTE听力3个月就考到了86,且看他是如何复习的吧~







口语:RA有个别卡顿不多,RS 有一句是胡乱重复但是说了两个关键词,其余大部分是整句复述,RL这个题型 我一直都在练,虽然听不懂,但是这次也是一直在说,我是低头说的那种也没看时间,有两个题我一抬头早就停了。DI 使用一句主题句然后一直说内容,感觉自己有卡顿的时候就用防卡句 ASQ 有两个不太确定 随便说的

阅读:单选和多选都很简单,阅读文章的长度真正考试时候很短,需要定点的信息也很明确,RO 三次考试全是中了机精, 这次的两项FIB也是在我考完第二次之后开始认真刷了一遍,也很幸运最后中了四道,秒选走人。觉得机经实在看不过来的同学,推荐下titan老师的真题预测班,真的挺准

写作:SWT 只用,and的方法来做  练的也比较少,考试的文章一般都挺短的,有的时候都快全抄下来了也比75多不了多少,其实踩分还比较简单。WE使用模版,然后在模版需要填空的地方随便加几句简单句,用上一些简单的formal的词汇。尤其是遇上写作2+2更要珍惜,前两次我是2+1分一直不高,这次就直接炸了

听力:SST两个是高频机精  开头就能听到关键字 直接就能回忆出机精的大概内容,然后配合自己的考场听力,抓分很好抓,更重要的是要保证每个SST除了内容2分以外的另外8分。WFD全是机精,这个没得说,大多数人都是碰三句,题库现在很稳定,三句话都是背过的,然后根据真实的录音再进行添加修改。至于其他的听力题,单选多选丢词题和HCS这次感觉是连蒙带猜的,HIW和听力的FIB速度很慢,而且词汇难度不高都是whole,increasing这种的


首先是复习资料: 我主要用的是用官方材料反复做了3遍,同时看titan老师总结出来的高频机经;总结自己薄弱项的高频机精,复习机精也要有优先级

针对PTE的考试 我从始至终只练习了重点题型,口语的RA,RS,DI,RL,阅读的RO和两种FIB,以及听力的SST和WFD。所有需要练习机精的题目,第一遍必然是最痛苦的,做的越慢越仔细,基础会越好,第二次复习会越快。不要盲目追求速度



RA: 第一:我的方法是一口气 一整句话 一整句话读 中间不要停,从句也不听,除了标点符号,任何情况都不停!!!!   第二:单词重音(主要指重读音节放置准确) 第三:发音分不低于50的没必要纠结发音这一样,音标的正确发声位置,英式美式发音,全都是瞎胡扯,没有用,流利度和内容不读错是王道



 This  finding  is  understandable  in  certain  cases  in  spite  of  its  high  significance;  that  is  because  energy  efficiency  of  building  operation  just  represents  a  single  aspect  of  sustainability.  By  the  same  token,  an  energy  efficient  building  with  poor  building  material  choices  may  not  be  considered  sustainable. 


真正考试的时候基本是 一行是标准;一口气要说一行的内容,除非这个句子本身就不到一行;

上来直接开始读,碰到卡顿,立马进行判断是什么原因: 不认识 直接正式读的时候直接跳过;认识的单词 纠正自己的发音,暗示自己在正式读的时候放慢在这附近的节奏,人都是会习惯性重复犯错,第一遍不错第二遍也不错,第一遍错的地方第二遍还是会错,会有顺嘴的情况,要自己刻意记住是哪些单词。 另一种卡顿是没有气,自己一口气能不能说完一整句话在预读的时候判断出来是至关重要的,自己没气,在非句号的地方,随意卡顿是大忌!!!!句号之后允许停顿长点深吸一口气保证下一个长句能有足够的肺活量!    

这一段话分成三部分第一行一句话,虽然没有句号,但是到sustainability太长了。第二句话that。。。到sustainability;第三句话从by the。。到结尾,在读这一句话前的停顿,我是必然要深吸一口气直接从by the读到结尾的

RS: 我是坚持练,,不管是什么题,只要是一句话就练,因为考了几次RS中的几率不是那么那么高,十句中个两三句。漫天找题,找模拟题,找Youtube。。不建议。练的还是感觉,这个技巧不多,靠得就是走量,是重复训练的量,不是不断找新题的量,量变产生质变,刷两三遍rs之后就会有感觉,遇到实在太长的就是靠背。坚持每天50以上吧,每天都听,早我两周八炸的大佬。。。一天300多道rs花两个小时磨耳朵。

DI: 总体模版:标题句+ 内容句   文字多的利用防卡句,当成RA在读;文字少的根据图的类型(柱状图,线图,柱状图等等),说出不同图的主要用途:线图,上升下降趋势;饼图,柱状图(极值和次极值)。



最简单的数学题:阅读题目RO 三句话2分钟做;四句话3分钟;FIB 一个空20-30s;

碰上任意一道机精题目的收益是什么? 答案全对,省下时间给其他不是机精的题目。就算你中了一道,你都是赚大了的。我基本每次阅读状态,最后能有不到7,8分钟做最后两个单选,所以大家做阅读第一道多选题目的时候可以放慢点节奏,尽量检查多选几个,因为文章难度和长度并不是想象的那么大,绝大多数情况下,只要后边有一个机精题,能秒选,前边耽误的时间是完全能够承受的起的。



RO: 建议打印出来纸质版,方便进行前后句子指代关系的连线,增强逻辑的记忆。首先心态一定要正确,做机精不是在做新题,所有的题目都是正确的顺序,你所需要做的就是在了解文章大题背景的情况下,需要寻找指代词,以及极端情况下,采取特殊记忆方法。

1 确定首句,因为已有顺序已经是正确的了,找到其他三个句子不能做首句的原因。

主要的原因有: 出现he,she等指代词,副词开头,and,but,however,also等关键字

2 把正确顺序的文本扔进翻译软件,个人看中文还是比看英文快,不屑这种方法的,可以直接查看英文原文。

3 特意,刻意的去创建前后两句的指代关系,在纸质文本上话箭头表明指向

举例说明: 4句式  至少找到首句,且包含首句在内的三句话的指代关系,因为最后一句可以进行自然排序



1 拿过题目直接做,根据空前后的词性搭配,固定搭配等等,不要过分纠结,这一步不一定保证很好的正确率,选出答案

2 查看答案,然后讲文本扔进翻译软件查看文章大意,发现错误原因

1 根据错误原因 看是否适合单独积累  这个笔记不建议多记,因为会用到后续几轮的复习,盲目的积累会导致后续复习速度的缓慢,只记一些不会的固定搭配,很难很难区分的近义词(issue和problem。。我是真的分不清,这些情况下,我会将这个空前后的单词连同答案一起积累到本子上)


听力(只练WFD和SST 其他题型练习很少)

PTE考到最后的最难的听力,反而是在考记忆能力,最难的两道听力题,机精覆盖率出奇之高。我三次考试 WFD SST 两种题型 全部命中,不看你听没听懂,就看你记没记住,能不能回忆出来。永远不要过分相信自己的能力。。有机精好好看,这时候轮不到你逞能疯狂体现自己语言能力的时候,考试就是有自己的考试方法和技巧。

WFD 机精当rs一样,练到最后,很多成功八炸的人,全是听完背诵。。 自己去查看别人的考试回忆,定时更新自己的高频机精,目前整理的高频92 其中红色标注超高频,不保证所有形式正确,大概结构没问题,剩下的细微差别需要去考场自己纠正

1. The new theory takes all the latest research results into account

2. There are new innovations in the field of digital architecture

3. You can request library books by using the electronic catelogy.

4. The undergraduates need some specific sources to analyze a program

5. We support to do research in the field of archaeology such as forecasting and estimation

6. We can work together to achieve the higher educational standards

7. There will be a conference here next summer on using the web for academic research.

8. The same approach reach the same explanation of the problem.

9. The results of the study underscored the discoveris from early detections.

10. The cafeteria features sandwiches, salads, soup, fish and chicken.

11. Remember the prestigous selection has strict eligibility criteria.

12. Create a playlist of your favoriate music to help you relex in difficult situations

13. Plants and living things are growing on the land or in water

14. A good architecture is always very useful, durable and beautiful.

15. You can use a laptop during the lecture.

16. Students have the options to live in the college residences or apartments.

17. There is clearly a need for further research in this field

18. Before attending the lecture, you must register onlince or by post.

19. Students representatives will be visiting classes with voting forms

20. There was a prize for the best student of the presentation.

21. The new media have transformed the traditional national boundaries

22. The placement test of mathematics and statistics is offered every semester.

23. The development in information technology has greatly changed the way people work.

24. The plight of wildlife has been ignored by developers.

25. The nation achieved prosperity by openning its ports for trade

26. Scientists are always asking the government for more money.

27. Native speakers are examined by their language tests in their own languages

28. The university seeks the funds for renovation of the theatre

29. An archaeologist’s new discovery stands out in previous overlooked foundations

30. The dance department stages elaborated performances each semester.

31. Many graduates of journalism get jobs in the communications field.

32. All dissertations must be accompanied by a submission form.

33. The article considered the leisure habits of teenagers in rural areas and places.

34. Rivers provide habitats for fish and other aquatic species.

35. Recession triggers creativity and high rates of entrepreneurship due to past experience

36. In addition to the requirements, students must pass the qualifying examinations.

37. There are some doubts about whether these events actually occurred

38. Graduates from this course find careers in the financial department

39. Theory and training are required to become a medical specialist

40. The teaching staff are extremely approachable, helpful and friendly

41. The library holds a substantial collections of materials on economic history

42. The theme of the instrumental work exhibits more of a demure compositional style.

43. Members should make concentrated contributions to operating funds

44. The aerial photographs were promptly registered for thorough evaluations

45. Those seeking for formal extension should contact their faculty for more information

46. Participants initially select from a range of foundation subjects

47. While reconciliation is desirable, the basic underlying issue must be first addressed

48. Early streams of the economy in Roman Republic will be examined.

49. Textile manufacturing plays a large role in improving economies

50. The qualification will be assessed by using criterion referenced approach

51. Doctoral writings have the structure in place as well as scientific papers

52. The meeting has some struggling overlaps. 很快

53. All industries consist of systems as inputs, processes, outputs and feedback.

54. The summer school program allow students to summarize their studies.

55. If finance is the cause of concern, scholarships may be available

56. The early work is more philosophical rather than experimental

57. It was hard to anticipate all the characters that were in react.

58. Behind the group is a flat cart drawn by mules

59. The commissioner will apportion the funds among the authories

60. They were struggling last year to make their services paid

61. I thought it was thrown in the small meeting room

62. Before submitting your dissertaiton, your advisor must approve your application

63. Climate change is now an acceptable phenomenon among reputatble scientists.

64. You are required to complete your research paper by next Monday

65. The first assignment will be due on the fourteenth of September

66. The new technician dropped the microscope in the biology lab

67. Try to work with each other to build up a sense of cooperation and team spirit

68. It is absolutely vital that you acknowledge all your sources

69. Mutually exclusive events can be described as neither complementary not opposite

Complimentary 赠送的  complementary 补足啊

70. Animals raised in captivity behave differently than their wild counterparts.

71. Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill

72. We can’t consider an increase in price at this stage

73. Free campus tour runs daily during summer for prospective students

74. The toughest part of postgraduate education is the funding

75. You can contact all your tutors by email

76. When workers ask for higher wages, companies often raise their prices.

77. Undergraduate studends may persue specific interests within specific programs

78. The application process may take longer than expected

79. University departments should carefully monitor articles and other publications by faculty

80. Control systems in manfacturing provide a high level of accuracy

81. This paper challenges many previously accepted theories

82. A celebrated theory is still a great source of controversy

83. Observers waited nervously and bated their breath for the concert

84. Students were instructed to submit their assignments by Friday

85. Tribes worked with each other to build monolithic statues.

86. Review all sources before drawing any conclusions

87. All staff must leave from the fire hydrant exit

88. The sociology deparment is highly regarded worldwide

89. Teaching assistants will receive a monthly stipend for housing

90. The unviersity has a world-renowned school of archaeology

91. Student concession cards can be obtained by completing an application form

SST 从最近的高频机精看起,很多的高频机精有原文音频,强烈建议都去自己在没看其他人回忆的时候做一次,心里有数。。 真正考试的时候也就和平时练习一样,平时练习的时候有他人回忆辅佐的情况下,练习写两次完整的SST答案






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Titan Zhang












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