項目地址: 85 Spring Street, Melbourne戶型: 2房及3房
本項目位於墨爾本高檔餐飲娛樂區的Spring Street中心,地處墨爾本熙熙攘攘的文化聖地,步行片刻到達著名的運動場地、富享盛名的精緻餐廳、間歷史悠久劇院、藝術地段和購物區。國庫花園和費茲羅花園相對而坐,讓未來居民有機會享受到墨爾本公園綠地營造出的寧靜氛圍,將會給您帶來墨爾本市中心最頂級奢華的生活方式。Perfectly positioned within Melbourne’s premium culinary and entertainment precinct, 85 Spring Street is the city’s most distinguished new address. Contemporary and contextual, the elegant façade acknowledges the prestige of this location, creating a new iconic landmark for Melbourne.
當您從大門步入大樓時,迎面而來的是氣派非凡的大堂。雙層挑高的空間,實木和精細打磨過的金屬裝飾,使您感受大氣且備受禮遇。大堂同時還提供一步到位的管家式服務,從接收包裹到預定晚餐,讓您足不出戶就可以享受頂級酒店的奢華待遇!Stepping in from Spring Street, residents and visitors will enter a grand, double height foyer finished in rich timber and polished metal detailing. At the reception desk, a concierge will be on hand to assist residents with everything from receivingdeliveries to arranging dinner bookings.
85 Spring Street的未來居民將能享受一流的便利設施,擁有直通奢華平台層的專用入口,這里特設游泳池、健身房、桑拿室和蒸汽房。配備至美的活動室內設小廚房,居民將可加以使用。85 Spring Street residents will enjoy exclusive access to a luxurious podium level that features a pool, gym, sauna and steam room. A beautifully appointed function room with kitchenette will be available for residents to hire for private gatherings.KPDO室內設計團隊提供住戶無暇的天空花園,正對Treasury花園,可眺望MCG的絕美窗景,或是壯麗的聖派翠克大教堂,亦或是像國會大廈丶皇家展覽館等別具文化特色的地標建築。K.P.D.O. has drawn on principles usually reserved for large-scale single residences to provide house style living in the sky. The design of each home has been informed by a sense of light and space with large expanses ready for artworks and walls of glass to showcase the stunning views.
開發商Grocon是澳大利亞規模最大的私立開發建設與投資管理公司,他們開發出多座相當具有啟發性的建築,公司建立60年以來,為多座澳大利亞國際大都市的天際線劃下全新面貌。Grocon is the largest privately owned development, construction and investment management company in Australia. Their people have been creating inspiring buildings that define the skyline of Australia’s major cities for almost 60 years.
Melbourne City Medical Centre 450MSt Vincent’s Private Hospital 700MThe Royal Melbourne Hospital 2.5KMThe Royal Children’s Hospital 3.4KM

University of Melbourne 2.3KMMac Robertson Girls' High School 3.7KMThe University High School 2.8KMCarlton Gardens Primary School 1.2KMParliament Train Station 100MSpring St/Lonsdale Bus Stop 450MShopping & Entertainment 購物娛樂Royal Botanical Gardens 2KMState Library of Victoria 1.2KMCrown Entertainment Complex 2.3KM2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom 133m2

2 Bedroom 3 Bathroom 249m2

3 Bedroom 3 Bathroom 320m2

3 Bedroom 3 Bathroom 603m2

★★★★★【澳洲元道置业】 2015项目总篇请珍藏,您值得拥有!!★★★★★
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