
2016年08月03日 AMACS澳洲移民和咨询服务


01. I was like, "What?!" 

(someone) was like... 口语中用于表达某人的一种反应,比如说的话或思想活动。

▷ He was like, "I am still in love with you." 

02. That takes guts!

(something) takes guts 做某事需要勇气。Guts本意是内脏,引申为胆量。

▷Being hoest takes guts. 

03. All right, so much for that one.

so much for (something) 人们放弃做一件事或努力泡汤的时候常说的话。

▷It's already eleven? So much for getting exercise.

04. We nailed it!

nailed it 圆满完成某件事,或说得完全正确。Nail本意是钉钉子。

▷He's nailed it. 

05. I knew you'd give me a hard time about it!

give…a hard time about… 跟某人过不去、嘲笑某人、难为某人。

▷ Why do you have to give me a hard time about that? I told you: I have nothing to do with it. 

06. I might be 90 years old, but I'm still young at heart!

might… but… 也许……但是……,可以用来委婉地否定别人的观点。

▷ New York might be popular, but I don't want to live there. 

07. I couldn't agree more.

couldn't agree more “不能更同意”,表示强烈同意对方的观点。强烈不同意也能说couldn't disagree more。

▷- I think that this is a great opportunity. - I couldn't agree more. 
-我觉得这是一个非常好的机会。 - 完全赞同。

08. Just do it already!

Just… already! 赶紧做某事。这个短语一般都是在抱怨对方反应太慢,表现一种不耐烦的态度。

▷I've been hearing about your diet plan for weeks. Just do it already! 

09. Strangely enough, I just bought a bike.

strangely enough, … 遇到巧合或惊讶的事时的表达,可以翻译为真巧、真稀奇。

▷ Strangely enough, I just went to Bali as well. 

10. Could you give me a few pointers?

give someone pointers 给某人一些建议。Pointer指建议、提示、线索。

▷Your writting is good, but do you want me to give you a few pointers? 

11. Yeah, it's decent.

decent 不错,挺好的。

▷-The street food isn't bad at all! -Yeah, it's decent. 

街头小吃的味道还不错耶!- 是不错

12. Who are you to talk?

who... to talk? 表示某人没有资格发表意见或批评别人,因为他/她自己也做得不够好。

▷Who are you to talk? Youre just as bad as me. 

13. Is it just me, or is it hot in here?

Is it just me, or…? 这是一种委婉的抱怨,一般都是在看对方是否有同样的意见。

▷Is it just me, or is today even colder? 

14. Did I leave my book at your place, by any chance?

by any chance 口语中常用这一表达来询问是否有某种可能。

▷Are you by any chance free tomorrow? 

15. The last thing I want is to hurt you.

The last thing I want is… 

▷The last thing I want is to cause an argument on the opening ceremony, but this is a serious problem. 

16. Are tomatoes still in season?

be in season 表示某种蔬果是当季的。

▷I think strawberry is in season soon. 

17. Don't get all impatient.

all 在口语表达中,形容词前加一个all,可以增强感情色彩,通常是表达负面情绪。

▷He let me use his old car, but it's all old and crappy. 

18. Winter will be over before you know it.

before you know it 表示事情过得非常快。

▷Before you know it, the children are growing up. 不知不觉的,孩子们都长大了。

19. I've never gotten into baseball for some reason.

get into something 对某事感兴趣。

▷I've been getting into dance lately. 

20. Man! You're on fire!

on fire 本意是着火了,引申意是指人的状态特别好。

▷ West Eagle is on fire!

21. I find it hard to relate to him sometimes.

relate to someone/something 理解、接受某人某事,与之有同感、有共鸣。

▷I can relate to this story.

22. I report to John.

report to someone 向某人汇报,这一表达常用来说明某人的直接上司是谁。

▷ Dave reports to the Sales Manager. 

23. You bet!

you bet 意思是“You can bet money on that”(你可以压钱赌一把),说明你完全同意对方的观点、提议等。

▷-Are you coming to the movie?  -You bet! 

你会来看电影吧? - 当然来!

24. Good thinking! That would be great.

good thinking 好主意,跟good idea同意。

▷-Why don't we go out for dinner? - Good thinking. 我们休息一下吧?

我们出去吃晚餐吧? - 好主意。

25. It's way past your bedtime!

way past Way相当于"far",这个表达是远远超过某个点的意思。

▷ I don't want to have dinner now. I am way past that point. 

26. What? That's nuts!

That's nuts! Nuts是非常口语化的表达,表示“crazy”疯了。

▷- She's nuts. 

27. Oh, that sucks!

(something) sucks 在谈论糟糕的、让人失望的、不幸的事情时,人们常用这个表达。正式场合慎用。

▷My car sucks! 

28. So, what's your story?

What's (someone's) story? 人们常用这一表达来询问不太熟悉的人的信息。相当于说, "Tell me more about that person",再说说那人的情况吧。

▷You know that guy you introduced me to at your birthday? What's his story?你在生日上介绍我认识的那个人,你很熟吗?跟我说说他吧?

如果你对某人说,what's your story? 意思就是让对方自我介绍。

29. I didn't mean to walk in on you.

walk in on someone / something 走进一个地方打扰了里面的人或正在进行的事,通常是些尴尬的事……

▷Someone walked in on me while I was changing. 

30. He's around fiftyish, I'd say.

-ish 口语中,在一个词后面加-ish,就等于说"a little bit" ,"kind of",给人一种大约的、模糊的、不确定的感觉。

▷Come over at 11-ish. 

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000 - 总目录


001 - CSOL

002 - SOL

003 – EOI


010 - 雇主担保临时签证 (457) 
011 - 雇主担保移民签证 (186)  
012 - 偏远地区雇主担保移民签证 (187)  


020 - 独立技术移民签证 (189) 
021 - 州政府担保技术移民签证 (190) 
022 - 偏远地区担保临时签证 (489) 
023 - 偏远地区独立技术移民签证 (887)  


030 - 学生签证/监护人陪读签证 (500/590) 
031 - 毕业生签证 (485) 
032 - 研究培训临时签证 (402)  


040 - 投资移民临居签证 (188) 
041 - 投资移民永居签证 (888) 
042 - 商业天才签证 (132)  


050 - 配偶移民签证

051 - 子女移民签证

052 - 父母移民签证

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