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Topic: Many people are moving from rural areas to big cities. Why has this happened? To what extent do you thinkit is good trend?
老师提示:这道题是Report (原因+解决方案的题型),两个问题一个属于报告类(问原因以及方法),另一个问题属于观点类(问影响)。切记!两个问题都要回答哦!
These days many people from rural areas have chosen to migrate to cities. They may believe that they are more likely to find employment and enjoy a better quality of life, but the movement of population to urban areas can cause many problems.
There are two main reasons why these people have made this decision. Firstly, cities are more densely populated and there are more job opportunities available, so they may earn more money. This means that they can improve living standard and afford more consumer goods than ever before. By contrast, employment opportunities are scarce in rural area, due to the fact that many industries are underdeveloped and many inhabitants’ buying power is limited. Another reason is that city dwellers have easy access to public services, including education and health care, and enjoy better standard of living. Young couples who used to live in the countryside intend to send their children to good schools in urban areas, so as to break the cycle of poverty.
The increased number of urban dwellers can put huge pressure on housing and facilities in cities. Some cities are unable to accommodate a large population because of the shortage of land. Many migrants end up living in slums and enduring poor living conditions, because they cannot afford home ownership. All city dwellers are prone to poor health because urban facilities fail to meet the growing demand for clean water, dispose of household waste effectively and manage sewage.
Another problem associated with a rural-to-urban shift is that rural-urban income disparity will grow, instead of diminishing. Young people who are ambitious, energetic, hardworking and creative prefer to go to the cities in search of educational and employment opportunities. The shortage of labor has thus become a problem in rural communities and it is not easy to revitalize the local economy. In cities, some young people may choose to commit crimes because of the widening gap between the rich and poor.
In conclusion, poor employment prospects and sluggish local economies have caused the population shift to cities. This is a worrying trend.
主题:rural areas to big cities(arural-to-urban shift)
Firstly: findemployment to earn more money (improve living standard & afford more consumer goods). 对比一下 employmentopportunities are scarce in rural area(scarce adj.稀缺)
Another:enjoy a betterquality of life(education and health care, andenjoy better standard of living.)to break the cycle of poverty.
Many problems:
One problem: put huge pressure on housing and facilities in cities
Another problem: rural-urban income disparity will grow, instead of diminishing