点击上方“悉尼PTEtutorTITAN”可订阅哦! Re-order Paragraphs作为PTE阅读中的重头戏之一,一直深受各位同学的“爱戴”,由于题型的特殊,同学们一旦有所疏漏,动辄便至少与2分失之交臂。因此,平时多加练习以掌握技巧就变得尤为重要,多翻翻Titan老师的笔记定会受益良多哟。 呔!看题! ABut those are trivial glitches compared with the other problems plaguing the host city. Guanabara Bay, where Olympic sailors are to compete, remains in parts an open sewer.BA new metro line and bus corridor, the games’ main legacy to cariocas, as the city’s residents are called, are behind schedule.CWith days to go before the opening ceremony on August 5th, Rio’s self-confidence is looking shaky. On July 24th the Australian team stormed out of the Olympic village in the district of Barra da Tijuca, complaining of clogged toilets and loose wires.DMale golfers, in particular, are shunning Rio as if Ipanema beach were a giant sand trap. Policemen, whose salaries were delayed by a bankrupt state government, have greeted visitors at the international airport with signs that read “welcome to hell”.EAn outbreak last year of the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which causes birth defects, has scared away some sportsmen.啊哈,同学们花了多久做完这篇re-order呢,在保证正确率的同时也要注意合理安排时间哟中国选手们在本届奥运会中已经夺得那么多枚金灿灿的奖牌,如果说金牌是奥运会的最高荣誉,那么满分则可以说是re-order的最高表现了吧 后面附上本期答案 小伙伴们不要偷看哟 正确答案: C A E D B同学们,你们有木有拿金(man)牌(fen)呀With days to go before the opening ceremony on August 5th, Rio’s self-confidence is looking shaky. On July 24th the Australian team stormed out of the Olympic village in the district of Barra da Tijuca, complaining of clogged toilets and loose wires.But those are trivial glitches compared with the other problems plaguing the host city. Guanabara Bay, where Olympic sailors are to compete, remains in parts an open sewer.An outbreak last year of the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which causes birth defects, has scared away some sportsmen.Male golfers, in particular, are shunning Rio as if Ipanema beach were a giant sand trap. Policemen, whose salaries were delayed by a bankrupt state government, have greeted visitors at the international airport with signs that read “welcome to hell”.A new metro line and bus corridor, the games’ main legacy to cariocas, as the city’s residents are called, are behind schedule. word count: 150Source: http://www.economist.com/news/americas/21702811-olympic-city-has-been-decline-1960s-games-will-not-change-its?zid=319&ah=17af09b0281b01505c226b1e574f5cc1 为什么选择Titan老师呢?Titan老师是悉尼最早的PTE华人老师,听说读写四项满分,他最擅长在短时间内帮助学生掌握PTE解题思路,攻破65/79分大关,取得理想成绩。(PS: PTE 满分90分; 65分等于雅思7分,79分等于雅思8分)本公众号旨在为大家提供PTE最新考试信息和技巧,创造一个交流平台,给各位考生带来福利。不论你在世界哪个城市,只要动动手指,点击关注Titan老师的公众平台,就能抢先了解PTE考试相关的最新资讯。 想要了解更多的技巧和真题,请找Titan老师咨询哟。Titan老师最近的课程安排如下:面授网课 回复1 - 查看最新课程信息回复2 - 查看PTE与雅思分数换算表回复3 - 试听网课/视频课回复4 - 查看PTE Academic考试简介回复5 - 查看PTE官方模考网站回复6 - 查看PTE考试地点回复7 - 免费口语试听课程回复8 - 查看澳大利亚移民局PTE具体要求回复9 - 获得PTE Voucher 10% OFF!!回复 ‘我要报名’直接找到Titan老师哦!sydPTE悉尼PTEtutorTITAN扫一扫,免费试听;更有机会与Titan老师在线互动哟!~