Dr Napthine said the changes would provide significant cost of living relief for families as a result of commuters being able to travel in Zones 1 and 2 for the price of a Zone 1 fare.
“For a full-fare commuter who currently buys a Zone 1 + 2 daily fare there will be a saving in the order of approximately $5.00 a day,” Dr Napthine said.“A commuter who pays for a Zone 1 + 2 ticket each day will save around $1,200 each year, or, if using an annual myki pass, will save more than $750.“Tram travel within the CBD and Docklands will be free in a move that will enhance Melbourne’s reputation as an international city.”The changes will come into effect from the 1 January 2015 and will make public transport more accessible for commuters and tourists and make it easier to move around Melbourne.This initiative will cost around $100 million per annum and will be accounted for in the upcoming State Budget.
People who begin and conclude their journey entirely within Zone 2 will continue to pay the current discounted fare.Minister for Roads and Public Transport Terry Mulder said the free tram reforms build on the success of the City Circle tram which has become a popular tourist attraction.
“Today’s announcement means all commuters, including tourists, will be able to travel anywhere within the CBD free of charge,” Mr Mulder said.“This is just one of the many ways our Government is fixing Victoria’s public transport system and providing more services, to move more people, more often.”
Since coming to Government the Coalition:has added 1,078 new train services and 3,870 additional bus trips per week;has embarked upon an aggressive rail infrastructure program worth more than $7 billion, including the Regional Rail Link, Dandenong Rail Corridor upgrade and Bayside Rail upgrades;has purchased 43 new VLocity rail cars for the regional network;is purchasing 40 new trains for the metropolitan network;is delivering 50 new E-Class trams;has improved reliability and punctuality across the network;reduced the rate of fare evasion; andincreased passenger safety with 665 PSOs deployed at 98 stations around Melbourne.
1. 墨尔本CBD市区内包括Docklands的所有电车都将免费
2. 墨尔本城外不再区分1,2区,而是统一的按照1区的现行标准来计算。
维州的Napthine政府承诺如果他们赢得选举,该项计划将在2015年1月1日期实施。免费电车区域包括Queen Victoria Market,Docklands和CBD。政府对维州公交的每年预算达到1亿澳元,就是要减少百姓的生活成本。以Daily的票价来算,1+2区的票价是12.12澳元,比单纯的1区票价贵出5澳币多。并且同意后的票价,每年增长也不会超过之前定下的2.5%。
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