* 如何提高PTE阅读分:*答案当然是多读新闻了,别怪小编抖激灵,PTE考试很大程度是考察基本功,其实最简单的方法往往最有效果哦! 这周,最引人瞩目的新闻非alphago挑战韩国围棋选手李世石莫属。小编为大家整理了这则新闻中有用的单词要点,说不定下次考试就能碰到真题哦~ “Computer programs have long bested the world's leading human players of games like checkers and chess, but Go's combination of simple rules and intricate strategy has made it a major challenge forartificial intelligence research.单词要点leading player 顶尖选手 best 作动词用表示“胜过,打败” checker 跳棋“A huge milestone has just been reached in the field of artificial intelligence: AlphaGo, the program developed by Google's DeepMind unit, has defeated legendary Go player Lee Se-dol in the first of five historic matches being held in Seoul, South Korea.单词要点milestone 重大进展;里程碑式的事件 legendary 传奇性的“DeepMind's AlphaGo program is the most advanced effort yet, using a complex system of deep neural networks and machine learning; it beat European Champion Fan Hui last year, but Lee Se-dol is another proposition entirely.单词要点European Champion 欧洲冠军 Proposition 将要做的事,待处理的问题 “Google stunned the world by defeating Go legend Lee Se-dol yesterday, and it wasn't a fluke — AlphaGo, the AI program developed by Google's DeepMind unit, has just won the second game of a five-game Go match being held in Seoul, South Korea.AlphaGo prevailed in a gripping battle that saw Lee resign after hanging on in the final period of byo-yomi("second-reading" in Japanese) overtime, which gave him fewer than 60 seconds to carry out each move. 单词要点fluke 侥幸,意外 five-game Go match 围棋五番棋byo-yomi 读秒,来自日语“秒読み”,指棋类比赛中采用的一种计时方法。gripping 激动人心的,扣人心弦的(本文转载自扇贝新闻,略有删改) 预告读完了今天的新闻,是不是心里有点小激动呢,对于AI人工智能是不是特别感兴趣?我们陆续推送AI系列专题哦! Titan ZhangT-mate首席讲师来自悉尼的PTE四项满分大神Titan老师,不但是悉尼第一位华人PTE老师,同时特别擅长知识点制作成最易学生消化的模式,在短期内帮助学生达到65分(等同雅思7分水平)。在sydpte成立的短短1年时间内,已经帮助多位考生顺利通过考试,进入理想学院,获得移民身份。 重要提示:我们的网络课程和面授课程都十分热门,但名额有限,需要备考的童鞋请尽快报名确定座位,早日通过考试,搞定升学移民,实现人生梦想!最新网课课表最新面授课表公众号ID:sydPTE关注悉尼PTEtutorTITAN,不但有最新最全的PTE考试资讯,更有机会收到悉尼PTE培训第一人Titan老师亲自答疑,为你考试助力。