据澳洲新闻公司报道,近日,一位专门剪辑澳洲政客视频的网友Ace Alderman将一段名为“The Malcolm Turnbull Rap(谭保说唱)”的视频上传到YouTube网站上。
(谭保总理 图片来自:澳洲新闻公司)
反对党领袖Bill Shorten、财政部长Scott Morrison和前教育部长Christopher Pyne等多位澳洲政客都在这段视频中“露脸”。Alderman通过剪辑这些政客早期的采访、演讲以及议会中的质询环节中的视频,从而做出这段“谭保说唱”视频,达到荒谬而极具讽刺意味的效果。
Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten’s special Christmas rap song for us all
We’ve been treated to a Christmas rap song by two of the country’s political leaders! Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnbull share some words for the Australian public about how they really feel.
Except… it’s really how they feel, technically. They did say these things, but at different times! A videomaker has carefully compiled together snippets of multiple different interviews and press conferences to make a mashup video.
technically 技术层面来讲,实际上来说,事实上
snippets of 的片段
mashup video 拼贴视频
“When you vote for the blokes in the Liberal party, they don’t know, they don’t care and they raise the GST. I think there’s plenty of things we can do together. Liberal, Labor, Green; whoever”, Shorten raps one word at a time.
“Malcolm Turnbull is not the man everyone knows. Labor has the better plan”.
The PM takes over: “I’ve got a lot of money. You don’t have much – I think that’s funny. It is a very sad day when the less well off have a say.
“I don’t believe in the poor, they are always wanting more.
“Do you think I am kind? I am stunned you would be so blind. When I say innovation I really mean more taxation, less money for education and more coal mining donation.
“Use words like fair so you think I care. The prime minister chosen by the people of Australia has resulted in failure”, he spits out.
“When you vote for the blokes in the Liberal party, they don’t know, they don’t care and they raise the GST. That’s not a policy that’s an ad on Gumtree!”.
Christopher Pyne and Scott Morrison also chime in with their two cents (albeit staggered).
well off 富有的
have a say 有话语权
spit out 吐出
bloke 家伙,指人
chime in with 与…相协调
stagger 蹒跚,摇晃
“This is a Liberal national government committed to big business. Mates, Malcolm Turnbull is after your job with the tax on Sunday rates. We don’t have any moral characteristics. Deport me at an election. I’ll be chosen by Australia. My confidence has no sense of rejection – you should be more negative and grumpy” the PM raps.
“We don’t care about you… the problem is we can’t. Sorry that’s the way we do it”, Turnbull finishes.
be after 追赶,想得到
deport 驱逐
sense of …感,如a sense of accomplishment 成就感;a sense of relief 安慰感
grumpy 脾气暴躁
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