点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦全球独家教学方法全澳最好教学团队雅学粉思【雅思终结者】Australia Magic EducationWhere the magic happens!很多小烤鸭们都知道,雅思作文里句子的使用会直接影响到分数!但是,很多小烤鸭们却不明白,为什么自己写来写去还是万年6.5分!你又真的知道7分作文的要求和评分标准吗?即使知道你又能写出这样的句子吗?今天雅学妹妹就用来自童鞋们的作文的原句来剖析一下怎么写考官更喜欢,也就此修改至高分的升级句型。你的意思,换种表达,换些词汇,快速有效提分!1原句:First of all, the teacher in school have professional training and rich experience. Learning from teachers can make sure that we learn more quickly and efficiently.修改:It is teachers in schools who are well trained and have acquired abundant teaching experience, ensuring our efficiency of studying.解析:将两个简单的句子合二为一,使用强调句丰富句法(It is …that(who)强调句特点是去掉这些部分,句式保持完整无误;“是我们学习更高效”改为了“确保了我们的学习效率”。 2原句:There is no doubt that the other resources such as online courses are also useful. An increasing number of people would like to study from the internet.修改:The amount of people who prefer studying online trend to increase, and plenty of other resources, including online courses, have been proved useful.解析:“There is no doubt”换成“have been proved”使你的表达更具逻辑性和说服性。 3原句: To commence with, if the young people take part in the a unpaid work, they will realize their value to some extent. The value which is totally different from the possession and reputation. (这里主句只有“the value”,语法错误)修改:Firstly, taking part in unpaid works will help young people build a better value which is totally different from possession and reputation.解析:value单独出现时经常表示“价值观“;这里也是讲两句用从句合起来。 4原句:But some people do not agree with the first idea above. They believe children could gain some benefits from computer games.修改:Nevertheless, the idea above is opposed by some other people who believe that benefits sometimes also come from (像这样可以用一些抽象的表达)the computer games their children are playing.解析:Nevertheless然而,两句话的主题都是一些人,所以可以用从句链接;后面用了抽象的表达方式, “Benefits come from”. 雅思写作不论自己怎么复习练习永远都上不了7?想要快速拿到7分光靠加强练习而不找到正确的方法和满足Task Response, Lexical Resouces, Coherence and Cohesion和Gramatical Range这几大评分标准。写再多遍也是无用功。你真的知道怎样的作文才能达到7分的要求吗?即使知道却怎么也写不出来这样的作文吗?那就快来问我们吧~本月的课程已经超额报满!!!考生好评不断!下个月开始的课程只有少量名额,想要烤鸭的童鞋请提前预定哦~ 课程咨询和报名请联系我们(名片在最下方)或者长按右边的微信二维码即可 雅思限时免费押题全真模考!1点到5点间任你来刷分!每周五下午 1-5pmLevel 12, 1212, 530 Little Collins Street, Melbourne并获得:
立即省下$330!!听说读写澳洲殿堂级名师与考官现场点评! 报名方式编辑短信:“我想报考+姓名+考试类别(A/G)+目标分数”至0452236868微信报名: 扫一扫右边的二维码报名即可致电:(03) 9042 1986 or 0452236868 *费用:89AUD (01/05/2015前免费) 雅学妹妹雅思考试或远或近,你真的准备好了吗? W: www.ausielts.com.auE:[email protected]P: (03) 9042 1986 or 0423953887A: 1212, 530 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia微信号: ausIELTS本文来自网络,雅学妹妹负责整理编辑