点击上方“悉尼PTEtutorTitan” 订阅哦! 说起PTE大作文,小编不得不先吐槽一下雅思的大作文人工评分…… 第一次裸考~写作6分,哦可能是宝宝没准备好,下次好好准备就肯定没问题的 第二次准备了很久~写作还特么6.5分不到7分,哦可能是本宝宝没找对外教,没有local批改作文,找了老师应该就没问题了第三次准备了很久+各种特训老师~写作成绩继续徘徊在6.5分……谢谢雅思阅卷老师……你全家第四次第五次第六次……第n次+_+。6.5, 6.5, 6.5永远的6.5……感觉已经努力到天际了没法再努力了……有没有觉得这个故事很熟悉,你或者你身边的朋友一定有这样的经历!不难理解为什么更多的人转战PTE不再跟IELTS死磕,不仅因为你的努力不能获得雅思分数的认可,更因为种种“压分”流言四起让你失去考试的信心。 转战PTE也就成为了必然,让我们一起看一下PTE的出题模式,让你看看机考为什么可以让你拿到合理真实的分数!题目要求要求考生在20分钟以内,写出一篇200—300字的文章,类似于雅思大作文。有时会要求考生写出1至3篇文章,每篇文章20分钟。考查能力紧扣题目要求,进行逻辑推理和论证的能力,丰富的词汇和语法基础,语言灵活多变的能力常见问题1. 语言过于简单、或由于过于复杂而导致的错误太多。2. 词汇匮乏,只能使用基础口语的词汇,或3. 使用了个别书面语词汇,但重复太多。正文段论证不足,没有做到完备推理和充分论证。解决方案夯实词汇基础,从根本上提高学生的语言内功。语法强化练习,尤其注意如何使简单句结合,写出逻辑完整、语法正确的非简单句。逻辑论证中,分清事实前提和主观结论的区别,以及结论需要哪些事实和推理。★实例讲解Some people prefer to spend their holidays in resorts where everything is organized for them and they take little interest in the country they are visiting. Others prefer to travel around the country and to see how the people live, to get to know their customs and traditions and cuisine.Write an essay on which type of foreign travel you think is best for both the tourist and the local community. 审题确定不同理由(关于理由,考生只需要关注合理性,不必强求是否绝对真理)。比如:travel around the country可以提高当地经济发展。关于上述理由,属于推理的结论。只要能够证明该理由,即可说明travel around the country是好的旅游选择。但是该理由需要什么样的事实前提和推理关系呢?这应该是考生思考的重点!不难发现,要证明travel around the country可以提高当地经济发展,需要下列前提:游客当来会产生许多消费—举例证明—这些消费一部分增加了当地人的收入,一部分增加了税收 —一定程度上提高当地经济发展 所需词汇expenditure, spending, picturesque scenery, souvenirs, tax revenue, boost the local economy 语法要求简单句与非简单句的比例关系最好为1:3。 高分范文段落Traveling around the country is a very effective way for the local community to boost their economy. As more tourists come to visit the countryside, what attracts them is more than the picturesque scenery, but the local food and souvenirs are also a must-try recipe. For example, a great number of tourists keep talking about the unforgettable hot and spicy cuisine when they come back from Sichuan, a place known for panda seeing. The local people involved in the business have benefited enormously and, with some of the incomes going to the tax revenue, the local communities are often able to see a boosted economy.读完了是不是觉得还不够,这点秘籍怎么够准备考试!! 想要获取收录近千页pte考试真题复习资料吗? 想要在短期内冲击pte 65分甚至79分吗?