请输入正文雅学来啦!全澳最好教学团队全球独家教学方法雅学粉思【雅思终结者】Australia Magic EducationWhere the magic happens!雅思口语想要拿高分除了发音和表达流利之外,有丰富的词汇基础并能灵活地使用也是得高分的一个要点。很多烤鸭们发现口语反反复复用来用去总是那么几个“口水词”?想要用更地道的词汇表达却不知道如何替换?下面雅学妹妹就跟大家分享几个最地道、超高级、却鲜为人知的实用口语词汇让考官眼前一亮吧!“flummoxed ”Ourfirst term today is the word flummoxed. A very strong-sounding word which means confused or perplexed. So there we go, flummoxed which means perplexed, which means confused.我们今天要学的第一个单词是“flummoxed”(困惑的.这是个发音非常厚重有力的词,它的意思是“困惑的;不知所措的” Why are we talking about this? Yeah, because it is the application season here in the UK. If you’d like to go to a great university like Oxford or Cambridge, you have to go through a separate interview in separate colleges.那我们为什么要讨论这个单词呢?这是因为现在是英国的大学申请季,如果你想进入牛津或剑桥这样牛气冲天的的大学,你得接受由学院组织的单独面试。 Yes you do. But, these interviews, especially at Oxford University are sometimes seen to be a little strange, especially the questions that they ask.没错,但这些入学面试,特别是牛津大学的面试有点奇怪,尤其是他们提出的问题。 They have been known to flummox a lot of the candidates applying for university.他们一直以来都以向入学申请人提出大量令人不知所措的问题而闻名。“Off the scale ”Our second term today is not a term at all, it’s a phrase and that phrase is, off the scale.我们今天要学习第二个不是单词,是个词组,这个词组便是“off the scale” That’s right! This phrase means something exceeds the level of what is normal.没错!这个词组的意思是“某个事物超过了正常水平” It can be used in a positive sense, such as-The performance of this show is off the scale. Meaning it’s very good.它可以用于表达积极的含义,举个栗子吧- 比如“咱们这档子节目可是超乎正常水准”,意思是夸赞这个节目非常好, It can be used in a negative sense such as, Stuart’s fart is off the scale. It means it’s very smelly. That’s just an example, I didn’t really fart.当然,它也可以用于表达消极意义。司徒的屁非比寻常。这句话的意思是“非常臭”,只是打个比方,咱真没放屁...雅学小妹童鞋们可以快快运用这些单词为自己的口语增添异彩哦~ 更多关于最新雅思资讯、雅思备考、雅思课程详情请关注雅学粉思公众平台 Australia Magic Education雅学粉思微信号:ausIELTS长按识别二维码关注我们 Contact Us微信号:ausIELTSW: www.ausielts.com.auE:[email protected]P: (03) 9042 1986 or 0423953887A: 1212, 530 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia