4月3日一女子在某酒店入住时,被陌生男子跟踪后强行拖拽, 整个过程持续五六分钟,没有任何安保人员和酒店管理人员出面阻止。直到围观者逐渐增多,一名女房客搭救,才没有受到更大的伤害。该女子@弯弯_2016 4月5日在微博爆料了她所遭遇到的一切,该事件瞬间刷爆朋友圈和各大社交媒体热门头条,网民们也都呼吁女孩独自外出旅行时一定要注意自我防范。全文看到每个人心惊肉跳有没有! 遭遇人身袭击的几率比有些人想的往往比较大。我们遭遇袭击的事情还是时常会发生。防御任何可能的袭击的最好的办法就是你要保持谨慎和提防。如果你能具备这些,你就可以足够聪明去应对这种情况了。雅学妹妹为大家整理了一些外网上给出的tips:独身女子在外遇袭如何自卫?1.Make a Scene1.当众造势If an individual is being physically attacked the first thing to do in order to prevent further injuries(受伤) is to make a scene. The individual(个人) being attacked should scream as loud as possible and try to gain the attention of others around them so that they can get help. The more noise one makes, the more likely it will be that someone will help.如果一个人遇到身体攻击,为免继续被伤害,首要的一件事就是要当众造势。被袭击者应当极力大声呼喊,试着去吸引周遭人的注意力,进而获得帮助。噪音越大,被人帮助的可能性就越大。2.Fight Your Attacker if Safe to Do So2.在安全的情况下与袭击者搏斗People may be amazed to find the strength that they possess in the midst of being physically attacked. Some may find that they will kick, punch, scratch or do whatever is necessary to break free from the grasp of the attacker. However, each situation(情况) is different and the individual being attacked may feel that it is best to cooperate(配合) so as to prevent possible serious injury or death. One must analyze their individual situation to determine what the best way to proceed may be.在遇到身体攻击的时候,人们会发现他们拥有惊人的力量。为了挣脱袭击者的魔爪,一些人可能会脚踢、猛击、抓挠以及有其他一些必要的行为。然而,每个状况都是不同的,遇袭者也可能会感觉到为免遭受到进一步的伤害或者触及死亡,最好是配合袭击者。必须分析个别状况去决定最好的行动方法。3.Try All Possible Ways to Get to Safety3.尽可能往安全的地方去The victim should always be thinking of the best way to free themselves from their attacker. Whether they divert(转移) the attention of the attacker or strike out at them to throw them off guard, it is important to get to safety as soon as possible so that the attack will stop.受害者应该经常思考以最好的方法从袭击者手中脱逃。不管是转移袭击者的注意力或者是在他们猝不及防的时候反击他们,最重要的就是尽量去往安全的地方使得袭击停止。 4.Call the Police and Obtain Medical Attention4.呼叫警察并且获得医疗救助Once the individual has freed themselves from the attacker, they should go directly(直接地) to the nearest police station and file a report. The sooner they get to the police station, the fresher the information will be in their minds and the more likely it will be that the police officers can locate and arrest(逮捕) the attacker.一旦受害者逃离袭击者,他们应该直接去最近的派出所报案。去派出所的速度越快,受袭者所记忆的信息就会越清晰,那么警察也会越快找到并抓捕袭击者。5.Consider Counseling5.考虑进行心理咨询Being the victim of a physical attack can leave an individual feeling scared, vulnerable(脆弱) and uneasy. Counseling is something which may help to alleviate these problems caused by the physical attack.遭遇人身攻击会使人感觉到恐惧,脆弱和不安。心理咨询可以帮助人缓解这些由人身攻击带来的问题。
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