
昨日澳洲雅思写作热乎乎的考题,imported food vs local food! 你考的怎么样?今天雅学教育给大家带来了一个大福利!校长手把手亲授8分写作技巧,下图是已改好至8分的学生作文。具体请戳下面👇视频看校长亲自讲解如何写8分雅思作文!

Imported food vs localfood
Nowadays, supermarkets arestocked with food products from around the world. Some individuals are of theopinion that this imported food has detrimental effect on our economy andculture and it would be better if people ate only the local produce. Certainly,the disadvantages of imported food outweigh the advantages.
On thepositive side, transporting goods over a long distance gives us a lot ofchoices. We can taste a variety of fruits and vegetables from all parts of theworld. For example, about ten years ago, we hardly saw kiwi fruit which is fromNew Zealand. But, now it has a place on every fruit stand. Secondly, manypeople get employment in this field. Small farmers have a chance to expandglobally and it increases the overall economy of the country. Finally, it helpsin developing good relations between countries which helps in internationalcooperation and peace. If countries are dependent upon one another’s economicsuccess then armed conflict would be less likely.
On the other hand, importing foodcan have a negative effect on local culture. This can be seen in countries suchas Japan where imported food has become more popular than traditional, localproduce, eroding people’s understanding of their own food traditions. Althoughsome would claim that this is a natural part of economic development, in anincreasingly global world. I feel strongly that any loss of regional culturewould be detrimental.
A second major reason to reduceimports is the environmental cost. Currently, many food imports such as fruit,are transported thousands of miles by road, sea and air, making the producemore expensive to buy and increasing pollution from exhaust fumes. Despite thefact that trade in food exports has existed for many years, I am convinced thata reduction would bring significant financial and environmental gains.
In conclusion, I am certain thatif people ate locally produced food, it would have environmental benefits. Itwould also benefit the local economy because, in time, people would prospercommercially as the demand for local and regional produce would remain highresisting the competition from overseas.
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