
招聘职位 -- 沈阳
Corporate Services Manager
In consultation with HOP/DHOP/Consul, this position manages corporate services, enabling the Australian Consulate-General in Shenyang to prosecute its objectives across the consular district (Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces). The position oversees all finance and administrative functions and supervises a small team. As such, the position is responsible for providing back-up duties during periods of absence by team members.
Submit an application via email to [email protected] by 9:00am, Wednesday 23 September 2020. Applications received after the closing date and time may not be considered.
招聘职位 --沈阳
Public Affairs/Research Officer and HOP EA
The Public Affairs Manager/Research Officer leads the Consulate-General’s public diplomacy efforts promoting a positive image of Australia; and undertakes research on political, economic, trade, social and cultural issues in Northeast China, including media summaries and translations. The position delivers public and economic diplomacy events across the consular district, manages alumni engagement, media engagement and oversees social media output.
Submit an application via email to [email protected] by 9:00am, Wednesday 23 September 2020. Applications received after the closing date and time may not be considered.
大事件回顾 (点击标题即可跳转)

-中国官媒 "中澳脱钩,澳洲将成贫穷白垃圾!" ;最新研究:这种便宜水果能预防新冠;国际旅行圣诞前恢复,州际限制取消
- 莫里森再放狠话:我们没变,是中国在变!剑桥研发超级疫苗,空气喷射就能注入人体;又一州开放留学生试点计划
- 中澳关系恶化,澳洲年轻人纷纷抛弃"中文课";ANU附近新建16层公寓仅供学生使用:楼建好了,学生没了!
- 不惧疫情狂投30亿,叫板Kmart和Aldi:打造澳洲最强“一元店”!The Reject Shop,你去过吗?
- 七夕| 堪培拉最浪漫的“米其林”餐厅排名,我们一起去吃晚餐把!
