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Introvert (n)
Extrovert (n)
Enthusiastic (adj)
Good company (phrase)
Laid-back (adj)
Two-faced (adj)
To lose one’s temper (phrase)
Down to earth (idiom)
Social butterfly (idiom)
Part 1 Questions
1. How would you describe your personality?
2. In which ways are you similar to your friends?
3. Which personality trait of yours would you like to change?
4. What makes you happy?

Part 1参考答案
1. How would you describe your personality?
I'm mostly laid back, although on occasion, I’m quick-tempered. I really need to learn how to control my emotions at times.
2. In which ways are you similar to your friends?
I never thought about this question before, let me think….. Well, I think most of my close friends are friendly, loyal, and caring like me. We look out for each other in times of need.
3. Which personality trait of yours would you like to change?
Like I said before, I’m quick-tempered. I would like to be more short-tempered and not let the little things in life irk me, like people who use other people without showing gratification.
4. What makes you happy?
I'm normally a happy go lucky type of person. Simple things such as good conversation and positivity make me happy to be alive. Oh, a good sense of humor also helps.
再看看Part 2和Part 3高概率出现的一些问题
Part 2 参考答案
Describe a person you know who is kind.
You should say:
● who it is
● how you know this person
● what other personality traits they have
and explain why you think they are kind.
I have many family members and friends who are good-hearted and thoughtful. So, I decided to speak about my dad.
Despite the fact that he’s a grumpy old man, he loves his family and will go out of his way to do anything for them. I remember when I was a teenager, my friends and I went night skiing to a ski resort about 45 minutes from my home. I drove my grandfather’s station wagon so, of course, I was responsible for the keys. Well, guess what happened? I lost the keys sometime during the night. I had to call my father up and tell him the bad news. I thought he was going to kill me because it was like 11:00 PM, but wow, I was wrong. He hopped in his car and drove 45 minutes with the extra set of keys. I was amazingly surprised. 时态的准确运用和地道的口语表达!
This is only a sample of his generosity. He has done this type of thing over and over throughout the years.
Another example I can think of is my daughter, his granddaughter. My mom and him are the best grandparents in the world. They went above and beyond the call of duty to help me raise her. From watching her when I went on vacation for a week to helping out during the bad times with her. In fact my dad use to pick her up everyday after elementary school until I was done working.
I can think of many other times he was there for other family members, friends, and me. He would take the shirt off his back to help anybody out. Like I said earlier, he has his moments where he can be stubborn, but in the end, he’s an awesome dad.
Part 3 参考答案
1. Which characteristic traits do parents think are the most important?
Being that I’m a parent, it’s some simple characteristics that are important like kindness, honesty, and hardworking. First and foremost, kindness because it’s important to treat people with empathy and generosity. Secondly, honesty since it never hurts anyone, unlike dishonesty where it hurts only yourself. Last but not least, hard working seeing that it will help create opportunities and get you further in life.
2. What traits do you think are most important for a person, as a member of society, to have?
As I mentioned in the last question, being kind, honest, and diligent are wonderful qualities. To extend that a little more, I think that people also need to be big-hearted and down to earth. Take people who give their time and money to charities. These people have compassion and are giving back to society. I would much rather have poor, caring friends than greedy, money hungry ones. Life is too short and precious to be the latter.
3. What effects do you think someone's personality will have on that person's life?
I think the end results are like karma. You get served what you deserve. If you are two-faced, it will bring negative consequences such as bad luck in your work and personal life. On the contrary, if one is straight-up, positive things will happen like a landing a better job or maybe even winning the lottery. Regardless of my opinion, it pays to be sincere and trustworthy instead of insincere and deceitful.


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