点击上方“悉尼PTEtutorTITAN”可订阅哦!为什么选择Titan老师呢?Titan老师是悉尼最早的PTE华人老师,听说读写四项满分,他最擅长在短时间内帮助学生掌握PTE解题思路,攻破65/79分大关,取得理想成绩。(PS: PTE 满分90分; 65分等于雅思7分,79分等于雅思8分)本公众号旨在为大家提供PTE最新考试信息和技巧,创造一个交流平台,给各位考生带来福利。不论你在世界哪个城市,只要动动手指,点击关注Titan老师的公众平台,就能抢先了解PTE考试相关的最新资讯。 今天为大家准备了一篇 Retell Lecture的 真题!! 真题!! 真题!! 并且还贴心的为大家准备了参考答案哟 准备开始啦 5 4 3 2 1 开始 What-do-physicists-mean-by-dimensions-of-space- 。。。。。。。。。。。。 参考答案A dimension of space is the independent direcetion that you can move or walk, such as left and right, up and down. A diagonal dimension is a combination of movements. Dimensions are also the data that tells you where something takes place. In a three dimensional space, three pieces of information are needed to locate something, for example, a party. Theories explained that you need more information to be exact, but in reality, the rest of the information is too detailed and not necessary because you don't need to be so accurate. 想要了解更多的技巧、真题和学习材料,请找Titan老师咨询哟。Titan老师最近的课程安排如下:面授 网课