12月17日Paramatta 考题回忆 – by T-mate Education学员

原创 2018年12月27日 悉尼PTEtutorTITAN

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Read Aloud:
没有生词,只有几个地名。句子也比较短,平均有 35 秒时间准备
Repeat Sentence:
这次回答的比较差,10 题只有 2 题是全部复述出来的,但是大多数题回答可以说出至少一半。关键是在自己记不住的情况下也要保持流利度,不要自己加词。因为我在做 TEST PLUS 上面的题时,发现自己乱加的词大多数情况下都是错的。记得多少就说多少。
Describe Image:
这次有很多 bar chart, 所有题都是 titan 老师题库里面的,而且后来发现考的老题居多

Retell Lecture:
1.        Male and female students performance in school,有上下两张图
The speaker talks about the academic performance of male and female in school. According to the statistics, girls’ English results are 10% higher than the boys, and they achieve the same performance in Math. So the speaker asks what is the reason leading to this result, 然后看下面那一张图,按照上面写得东西照着读出来。内容记不清了,大概是 biological 和 geological patterns,然后这两个 are directly linked to each other.
2.        Napoleon III and Paris Renovation
The speaker demonstrates the reconstruction of Paris in the 1950s. In 1957(记不清了),  Napoleon the third saw the old Paris was the evil Paris, so he decided to reconstruct it. He brought air and light to the center of Paris and started to drain the sewage. After that, the city was cleaner and safer. 大概意思就是这么多。

3.        Rat experiments about low LG and high LG.
这道题和Belinda同学分享的是一样的,我就直接 copy 了

Some mother rats spend a lot of time licking, grooming, and nursing their pups. Others seem to ignore their pups. Highly nurtured rat pups tend to grow up to be calm adults, while rat pups who receive little nurturing tend to grow up to be anxious. High LG rats 的后代以后更能处理stress 和alcohol,low LG 则相反。还有一些特性可以照着图片念。

Answer Short Questions:
● 给流程图,里面有 7 到 8 个流程。问 what material should students bring?
答案在左边最下面,a printed report? (忘记了)
● Camel 在哪边最常见
●  Profit 是 economic increase or decrease?
●  What is the study of geometrics, algebra, calculus, trigonometry Mathematics
其他的忘记了,但是不是很难。对了,不要去背网上的那些 answer short questions 了,因为我从来没有遇到过一道原题。如果时间比较紧,就看 Titan 老师那个版本最后一页就好。


Summarize Written Text: 
1.        Australia fails to balance educational quality and equity due to reasons like different social status, but other countries have successfully overcome this issue. 剩下的忘记了。。。
2.        Voting is crucial to both countries and society, as it reflects individual concerns; however, many people nowadays are reluctant to do so and politicians and media should, therefore, take more responsibilities to encourage citizens to vote.  

Write Essay: 
1.        Some people think the educational purpose is to a better life in the future, others argue that its aim is only for self-improvement. What is your opinion? Your essay should base on your own experiences and examples.
2.        A TV can help us relax 等等一些优点,to what extent do you agree? 


前面时间还好,但是到了 filling in the blanks,就是从下面拖词到文章那种题,这次特别难。。。导致最后 2 个单选没时间看。我的单词量不够,但。。你们懂得,懒得背 SAT 单词。Good luck, lads!  


Summarize Spoken Text:
1.        University competition will select the best student, and the second competition is for the staff, as they need to meet the job market requirement (其实没听懂,我就这样写了,job market 是肯定有的,逻辑什么的不要参考),in addition, government funding relates to research quality. Vice-chancellor (或者 Prime chancellor 走神了)will also participate. 
2.        International litigation (我拼错了。。), 大概是 countries should take more responsibility for the environment, especially for smog production countries (我大天朝么), they should think globally and act locally. For industrial companies, they also need to consider their employees’ health, emissions (不确定) and discharge of pollutants.  

Highlight correct summary
1. 全球气候变暖,海平面上升。虽然在过去一个世纪中这些变量微乎其微,但研究其原因还是很有必要的。
Multiple choices 
1. 关于导师和女学生的对话。问的是导师让女学生在下次见面时做些什么。答案是 bring a copy of reference articles, 以及 amend and fix her essay
Select missing words
1.        刚开始是一个男的问一个女的路,问题也就问怎么才能去,答案是 cross the yard and turn left or right(记不清了),后面都无关紧要了,但我还是听了,因为那个男在把妹!他先说自己不是学 mechanical engineering 的,他只是去那边找朋友(呵呵,我信了!)。然后那女的说我之前也是学机械工程的,但之后转到数学系了。之后男的就问女的是否可以带他转转,喝杯咖啡什么的(喂
喂,你不是要去见朋友么?怎么这么闲??)那女的楞了下,说了 I’d love to, BUT I don’t have time right now, maybe next time (哈哈哈哈哈哈!)
2.        第二题没听懂,好像是说以前航海的事情,然后在海上找到方向很困难。
Highlight Incorrect Words:
 读得很快,还 TM 有这么重的口音。我第二题只找到 4 个。一般的话应该是 6 个。
Write From Dictation:
1.      There was no correlation between drug use and cure rates. 
2.      The university library has the most necessary books.
3.      Conferences are ought to be scheduled two weeks in advance. 







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