点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦今天咱们来看点有意思的词句用法,希望能够帮助大家写出更加多彩的句型。 比喻,是中文写作中非常常用的一种修辞手法,其在英文中的使用也非常的频繁。但是很多同学会觉得比喻太过于高深而望而却步,所以咱们这期就从比喻入手,来看看如何写出一个容易又巧妙的比喻句。首先,让咱们来看看剑桥关于比喻的定义:A metaphor is a way of using language which describes something by indirectly comparing it to something else with similar characteristice.英文里的比喻和中文的比喻用法大致相同,就是把某物或某个动作比喻成另一个。但是由于我们对英语的掌控程度肯定不如以英语为母语的人来的好,所以说在用比喻的时候要尽量避免出现由于语言文化差异而导致的理解问题。 但是这是不是就意味着我们在写作的时候为了规避风险就不能使用比喻呢?答案当然是大写的NO,名词的比喻由于较难掌握,在写作时我们确实应该尽量规避,但是动词的比喻法是在写作里面比较常用也比较简单的一种用法那么,什么叫做动词的比喻法呢? 很简单,举个例子: 当你写到不同意某人的观点时,比较常用的写法是disagree,oppose之类的词。但是大家有没有考虑过使用诸如attack或者是demolish之类的词呢? 如果写出来的句子是attacking sb's opinion by....的话,那么这就是一个比喻句了。 下面,让咱们来比较一组句子:Parents and teachers need to maintain a united front on the question of bad conduct at school. Parents and teachers need to reach an agreement on the question of bad conduct at school. 这两个句子比较起来,肯定是上面一个句子更加的新颖和形象吧?可以想象一下,在考官已经改了大半天作文,看到的全部都是nowadays, agree or disagree这类苍白的词的时候,突然出现了一个比喻结构,是不是能够使考官眼前一亮呢? 但是,很重要的一点是,大家在用比喻结构的时候,尽量不要自己创造比喻,因为就像是我们刚才讨论的,毕竟第二语言有很多时候会出现拿捏不准的情况。所以说平时尽量在网上(英文网站)多积累积累各种比喻结构。求精不求多,这样的话考场上是有很大的几率能够使用出来的!接下来,雅学妹妹给大家提供一些有代表性的比喻词组,供大家参考: in light of = because ofViews on depression have changed in light of recent studies of the brain. glaring = obvious The report revealed the glaring discrepancy between patients' needs and what the health service can offer them. remain in the dark = be unclear aboutResearchers remain in the dark about what can ensure successful recovery from addiction. In the shadow of = during (something bad)The book dealt with economic policy in the shadow of the Civil war. united on = agree withCritics were united on what they saw as several serious problems. in the battle against = deal with the problem ofIt is useful at the present time to look at Japan's experience in the battle against air pollution, and it is a battle no nation can afford to lose. mainatin a united front = reach an agreement on sthParents and teachers need to maintain a united front on the question of bad conduct at school. bombarded with = forced withIn the last ten years or so, children have been bombarded with increasing amounts of violence in the media.最后,对于比喻的使用并不是雅思写作的必需品。但是如果能在一篇文章里用那么一两次的话,是绝对能够使考官耳目一新的! 雅学学员冲刺高分成绩时间再次被刷新,两周时间取得了(7.5;8.0;7.0;7.5分)的高分成绩。假期五期高分课程也快报完,详情请看下图! 一大批高分成绩单的到来,不要眼红,参与进来,你也会是其中之一!校长亲授写作!假期前收获PR,给自己一个完美的假期!激情洋溢的雅学课堂雅学8.5分写作名师手把手教你写作一大波金光闪闪的战绩不要羡慕,你的PR就在这雅学妹妹雅思考试或远或近,你真的准备好了吗?有问题请举手:P有更多的疑问? 微信:扫一扫右边的二维码致电:(03)9042 1986 or 0452 236 868 W: www.ausielts.com.auE: [email protected]P: (03) 9042 1986 or 0423953887A: 1212, 530 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia微信号: ausIELTS本文来自网络,雅学妹妹编辑整理