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Infinitive (动词原形) | Simple Past (过去分词) | Past Participle (完成分词) |
cast To throw (something, especially something light) 投掷 | cast | cast |
catch capture (a person or animal that tries or would try to escape).抓住 | caught | caught |
choose pick out (someone or something) as being the best or most appropriate of two or more alternatives.选择 | chose | chosen |
cling hold on tightly to坚持,粘紧 | clung | clung |
come happen,move or travel towards or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker. 来,开始,发生 | came | come |
cost require the payment of (a specified sum of money) before it can be acquired or done.花费 | cost | cost |
creep move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being heard or noticed.爬行 | crept | crept |
crossbreed produce (an animal or plant) by mating or hybridizing two different species, breeds, or varieties 杂交 | crossbred | crossbred |
cut make an opening, incision, or wound in (something) with a sharp-edged tool or object.切割 | cut | cut |
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daydream a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one's attention from the present.百日做梦 | daydreamed / daydreamt | daydreamed / daydreamt |
deal distribute (cards) in an orderly rotation to players for a game or round.处理,分配 | dealt | dealt |
dig they make a hole in the ground or in a pile of earth, stones, or rubbish挖掘,整理 | dug | dug |
disprove to show it is not true反驳 | disproved | disproved / disproven |
dive go under the surface of the sea or a lake, using special breathing equipment.潜水 | dived / dove | dived |
do Do is used as an auxiliary with the simple present tense.做 | did | done |
draw you use a pencil or pen to produce a picture, pattern, or diagram.画,拉 | drew | drawn |
dream you experience in your mind while you are asleep.做梦 | dreamed / dreamt | dreamed / dreamt |
drink take it into your mouth and swallow it.喝 | drank | drunk |
drive 1- take someone there in a car or other vehicle. 2-it supplies the power that makes it work.驾驶,迫使 | drove | driven |
dwell 1- live 2- think, speak, or write about it a lot or for quite a long time 居住,沉湎于 | dwelt / dwelled | dwelt / dwelled |
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eat put into mouth and swallow it 吃 | ate | eaten |
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