

at, in, on这三个介词,都可以用在表时间、表地点的短语中,单项选择和完形填空经常考它们的用法辨析。但是因为用法实在相似,所以是很多人头疼的知识点。这篇回答总结了一下它们的用法,希望能帮到大家!

1. 用in的场合后所接的都是较长时间
Elizabeth was born in 1962. 伊丽莎白出生于1962年。
The Lost Generation refers to the American writers in the 1920s. 迷惘的一代指的是20世纪20年代的美国作家们。
The cool weather here attracts a number of tourists in summer. 这里凉爽的天气吸引了许多游客夏天来旅游。
Don't worry, she'll be back in two months. 别担心,她只去两个月就回来了。
I'll see you in three weeks. 三周后见
(3)泛指一般意义的上、下午、晚上用in, in the morning / evening / afternoon
We have tea together in the afternoon. 我们下午一般都一起喝茶。
You should not drink too much coffee in the evening. 你晚上不应该喝太多咖啡。
It was on the morning of November 15st that I met him for the first time. 我第一次见到他是在11月15号的早晨。
但若前面的修饰词是early, late时,虽有of短语修饰,习惯上应用in,而不用on.
In the early morning of September 1st, I left home for college. 9月1日的一大早,我就离开了家,去往大学。
2. 用on的场合后所接的时间多与日期有关
(1)表示“在具体的某一天”或 (在具体的某一天的)早上、中午、晚上”,或“在某一天,或某一天的上午,下午,晚上”等,须用介词on
Mary was born on March 18th, 1962. 玛丽生于1962年3月18日。
They came to town on a snowy evening. 他们在一个雪夜来到镇上。
I don't need to work on Monday. 我周一不用上班。
I received your letter on Thursday morning. 我周四上午收到了你的来信。
She sent me a wonderful gift on my birthday. 她在我生日那天给我寄了一份大礼。
It's a tradition to eat mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Festival. 在中秋节,吃月饼是一个传统习俗。
注意:at, on都可用来表示“节假日”,但at侧重指“休假的时节”,而不是指具体的哪一天;
at New Year (在元旦期间)
on New Year’s Day(在元旦当天)
at Christmas (在圣诞节期间)
on Christmas Day (在圣诞节)
3. 用at的场合后接的时间最短
The class begins at 8 a.m. 这堂课八点开始。
The train leaves at 11:34. 火车于11点34分发车。
(2)用在特定的时候(时节、时机)时,须用介词at, 表示一瞬间或短暂的时间
At that time, we could only meet one time a week. 那时,我们一周只能见一次面。
I thought I'd lost you at that moment. 那一瞬间,我以为我要失去你了。
Westeners drink coffee at breakfast. 西方人喜欢在早餐时喝咖啡。
She could speak French fluently at the age of 12. 她12岁时就能流利的说法语了。
What show do you watch at night? 你晚上都看什么剧?
4. 省略介词的情况
4.1 next, last, this, that与时间名词连用作状语时,该短语前常省略介词
See you next Sunday! 下周日见!
He forgot to lock the door last night. 昨晚他忘了锁门。
4.2 在today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow night等之前不用任何介词
I have watched that movie the day before yesterday. 我前天已经看过这部电影了。
Will you come to the party tomorrow night? 你会来明晚的聚会吗?
1. 小处用at, at 把地方、地点、位置当作一个“点”
She was sitting at the corner, drinking coffee. 她坐在角落里,喝着咖啡。
I just saw him at the post office. 我刚在邮局看见他。
There is a pink suitcase at the bus stop. 巴士站有个粉红色行李箱。
I put your socks at the bottom of your closet. 我把你的袜子放在衣柜最下面了。
An accident just happened at the crossroads. 刚刚在十字路口发生了一宗意外。
I am in China, at Guangzhou. 我在中国广州。(相对于中国来说,广州只是一个点)
Juliet is not home, she is at the church right now. 朱丽叶现在不在家,在教堂。
2. 大处in, in把地方、地点、位置当作一个范围或一个封闭的空间
I lived in Tokyo for a year. 我在东京住过一年。
The plane flies in the sky. 飞机在空中飞行。
I saw his story in a newspaper. 我在报纸上读过关于他的故事。
The earth is in the Solar System. 地球在太阳系里。
Foxes live in the forest. 狐狸生活在树林里。
Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. 珠穆朗玛峰是世界最高峰。
There is no koala in Europe. 欧洲没有考拉。
The weather is so much colder in the north. 北方的天气寒冷很多。
3. on 把地方、地点、位置当作一个平面
You should've made clear the price on the menu. 你们应该在菜单上把价格标示出来。
You stepped on my feet. 你踩到我的脚了。
I live on the 3th floor at 221B Baker Street in London. 我住在伦敦贝克街221B的三楼。
No shoes on the furniture! 不准穿鞋踩家具!
The room on the south side is so much warmer. 南边的房间要暖和很多。
There is a bug on your ceiling. 你的天花板上有只虫子。
Korea lies on the northeast of China .朝鲜位于中国东北方。

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